HTML reference grammar patch
For those of you who desire such a thing, I've put together a patch for the
HTML draft of *The Complete Lojban Language* that addresses some of its
shortcomings. Most notably, the IPA symbols in chapter 3 are now presented
properly (assuming that your computer's fonts have the appropriate glyphs), and
a number of formatting issues (e.g., chapter 20) have been fixed. Most of the
CLL errata are also incorporated into the patch.
The (compressed) diff file is located at:
It was made against the contents of the Zip archive available on the tiki.
.e'o ko skicu lo se jinvi be do mi
mu'omi'e .kamymecraijun.
lo panojauvaipa moi krinu be lonu cilre fi la lojban. zo'u
noda ca'o se bangu la gliban.
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