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On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Robin Lee Powell
<rlpowell@digitalkingdom.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 05:53:13PM +0200, Elmo Todurov wrote:
>> .i va'o lo nu do dukse pindi kei lo rifcu famti po'u la camgusmis
>> .e lo drata .ai sidju do lo nu pleji
> If you are too poor, a rich uncle (AKA camgusmis/Robin Powell) and
> some others intend to help you pay.
Minor point:
lo rifcu famti po'u la camgusmis = rich uncle camgusmis (i.e. po'u is
restrictive, not just any rich uncle, but rich uncle camgusmis).
With no'u instead of po'u, the AKA translation would work better, "a
rich uncle, (namely) camgusmis".
More important point (aside from missing "cu"):
"ai" doesn't say that others intend to help. It says the speaker
intends others to help.
mu'o mi'e xorxes
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