Lojban In General

Lojban In General

preti lo du'u ta'i ma kau zo'o pilno zo kau

posts: 19

A question that came up recently is how one uses or might use {kau} outside
of an abstraction. {kau} is part of selma'o UI and thus gendra just about
anywhere, but apparently only has a defined meaning when attached to a word
inside an abstraction.

{do xusra lo du'u mi kau catra le finpe} - You declare that it was I who
killed the fish.
{mi kau catra le finpe} - ??? Is this now simple emphasis? I know we have a
word for emphasis already - {ba'e}. Does it make it sort of a more
declarative or bold statement than simply saying it? "I killed the fish."
vs. "It was I who killed the fish!"

ki'e mu'o mi'e kribacr