
'datnyvei': datni vreji: file
v1 is a file containing data v2=d1 about v3=d2 in format v4

'samru'e': skami pruce: running process; task
p1 is a computer process with inputs p2, outputs p3, passing through stages p4

'gunsfe': gunka sefta: desktop
s1 is a surface for working on g2

'gunsfeja'o': gunka sefta jarco: desktop show-er
(a program which lets you view and switch desktops)
j1 shows desktop j2=s1 to user j3=g1

'plijdu': pilno sidju: tooltip
s1 is information that helps s2=p1 to use tool p2

'selviska'e': se viska kakne: visible
k1=v2 is able to be seen by v1 under conditions k3=v3

'vidnysle': vidni selci: pixel
s1 is a pixel of screen s2=v1

'mutmi'i': mucti minji: computer program (abstract concept)
mi1=mu1 is a program for use mi2

'mlumu'uxra': simlu muvdu pixra: animation
p1=m1=s1 is an animation showing p2 with frames m4

'datnycpe': datni cpedu: dialog (datnycpe canko = dialog box)
c1 is a request for information c2=d1 about d2 by method c4=d3 by questioner c3

'nermutmi'i': nenri [ke] mucti minji: applet
(program which runs within another program)
mi1=mu1=n1 is an applet for use mi2 running within program n2

'mutmi'izba': [skami bangu] mucti minji zbasu: compiler
z1 makes program z2=mi1=mu1 for use mi2 from source code z3=p1=b3 in language b4

'datnysro': datni sorcu: data storage (disk or memory)
s1 is storage for information s2=d1 about d2

'datnymo'i': datni morji: memory
m1 temporarily stores, to be recalled, information m2=d1 about d2

'datnyvau': datni vasru: clipboard
v1 holds information v2=d1 about d2

'tedytcika': terdi tcika: universal time
tc1 is the time of state/event tc2 on day tc3, in the UTC standard

'sivyvla': sivni valsi: password
v1=s1 is a password for access to v2 known by s2

'termrita'e': te mrilu tanxe: mailbox
t1=m3 is a box which recieves mail t2=m2 from network/system m5

'terprimi'i': te prina minji: printer
m1=p3 is a machine which prints p1 onto medium p2

'plixra': pilno pixra: usable picture; 'widget'
pix1=pil2 is a widget used for purpose pil3

'snixra': sinxa pixra: icon
p1=s1 is an icon representing p2=s2 to observer s3

'tercuxste': te cuxna liste: menu
l1 is a menu of set l2=c3, from which choice c2 is chosen by user c1, in order l3 in medium l4

'nertercuxste': nenri [ke] te cuxna liste: submenu
n1=l1 is a menu within menu n2, of set l2=c3, from which choice c2 is chosen by user c1, in order l3 in medium l4

'nerke'u': nenri krefu: recurse
k1 <event> is a recursive occurence of k2=n1 which occurs within n2

'datnygafmi'i': datni [ke] galfi [mucti bo] minji: editor
m1=g1 is a program which edits file g2=d1 of file type d2

'datnylu'a': datni pluta: path (the complete location of a directory)
p1 is the path to file(s) p2=d1 of type d2 from root p3 via directories p4

'datnylutste': datni pluta liste: PATH (variable storing a list of default paths)
l1 lists paths including l2=p1, to files p2=d1 of type d2 from root p3, in order l3 in medium l4(or, p2=d1 is a file which can be found by PATH l1)

'rucka'e': pruce kakne: executable
k1=p1 is executable under conditions p3

'sutydju': sutra sidju: hint
si1=su1 is a hint given to si2 about doing si3=su2

'selctagau': se catlu gasnu: display (more specific than jarco)
g1 causes c2 to be seen by c1

'funzdi': funca zdile: "fortune cookie" (random amusing message)
z1=f1, observed randomly by z2=f2, is amusing in aspect z3

'lervidni': lerfu vidni: terminal
v1=l1 is a screen composed of characters of set l2 for purpose v2

'lertai': lerfu tarmi: font
t1 is the font of letteral t2=l1 in character set l2

'midmutmi'i': minde mucti minji: command line, "shell"
minj1=mu1=mind1 is a program for issuing commands to mind2 for purpose mind3=minj2

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday 22 of September, 2003 19:52:26 GMT by admin.