Intensive Course of Spoken Lojban

The Intensive Course of Spoken Lojban (ICSL) is a large project that has started on November, 20th, 2006.

The main goal of the project is creation of an electronic course of spoken Lojban, comprising a large set of excersizes and speech samples recorded by many Lojbanists. It will help people develop important skills, including:

  1. Fluent speaking in Lojban
  2. Understanding fluent spoken Lojban

…all this - without using wordlists.

This is the main page of the project. Discussion is going in a separate forum, http://www.perpetuum-immobile.de/icsl/.

If you want to participate in the project, please register in the forum!

ICSL Topics
ICSL Vocabulary

Created by inego. Last Modification: Friday 12 of January, 2007 05:03:46 GMT by aleks.