Jack Park, together with Sam Hunting, edited the book XML Topic Maps, and creates Websites that use IBIS as part of a methodology called augmented storytelling. An instance of the NexistWiki site can be found at http://www.nexist.org/j4j/
Sorry, Jack. The IBIS link on the Elephant page is broken, and these two links here are cryptic enough so that figuring out what the heck all of this is surpassed my 30-second "wtf?" timeout. I suggest some "inverted pyramidal" summaries for people like me who don't want to spend 5 minutes figuring out if they want to spend 5 minutes figuring it out.
Well, I'm slow, but eventually I get it. BTW: the IBIS link is not mine, but it can be resurrected by visiting http://www.cognexus.org Here's a shot for the 'wtf?' crowd.
Augmented Storytelling is basically something I crafted that lies at the intersection of Weblogs, Wikis, and Doug Engelbart's call for better addressability in information resource space. As one of the co-creators of XTM, I naturally gravitate in the direction of incorporation of topic maps in storytelling space. Augmented storytelling works like this. Start with a sacred space, one in which an individual gets to tell a story, one that is completely unencumbered with the commentary of pedestrians who wander by and decide to disagree with this or that notion in the story. But, give those who would comment a place to do so, for they need to tell stories too. Then, tie everything up with a topic map, one that federates all the stories in some universe. Addressability? Yup, we do that too. Topic maps refer to elements (chunks of documents) as addressable information resources. My implementation does this by breaking a story into its basic logical units, typically paragraphs or illustrations, but one could do the same with streaming information. Each addressable information resource (AIR) has two icons associated with it: one that gives the full x-path/x-pointer URL of the object in the context of the Webpage in which it is contained, and one which points to a "home page" for that particular AIR, from which authenticated people can launch disussions about whatever it is the AIR provokes in them. They can also attach links to related ideas or topics to that AIR, they can transclude the AIR to other locations within the Website, they could potentially translate the AIR into another language, and, the original creator (and a superuser) can edit and thus version the AIR, turning the story itself into a living document.
When I finally complete my NexistWiki engine, the entire contents of the book XML Topic Maps will be put online in that fashion, and thus, that book will become a living document.
OH, BTW: there appears to be a bug in this wiki. As I click the preview button, the site is insisting that I sign in. Damn! I'm already signed in.