<- Borrowing words from Graeco-Latin
These rules tell us how to get from the citation forms of Latin nouns, as listed in a dictionary like Lewis and Short to the ablative form used for making fu'ivla. Latin nouns are cited as the nominative form and the genitive ending, separated by a comma.
Declension Nominative ending Genitive ending Ablative ending
First -a -ae -a
Second (masc) -us -i -o
Second (neut) -um -i -o
Third (none) -is -e
Third (rare) -is -is -i
Fourth (rare) -us -us -u
Fifth (rare) -es -ei -e
- stella, ae -> stella 'star'
- servus, i -> servo 'slave'
- bellum, i -> bello 'war'
- princeps, ipis -> principe 'ruler'
- dux, ducis -> duce 'leader'
- custos, odis -> custode 'guard'
- pater, tris -> patre 'father'
- genus, eris -> genere 'kind'
- cliens, entis -> cliente 'client'
- ignis, is -> igni 'fire'
- manus, us -> manu 'hand'
- dies, diei -> die 'die'
These are standard Latin nouns used to illustrate noun declension, not suitable as fu'ivla.