
nordja vecnu

It's a name. try la m,kdan,ldz.

"kd" is invalid. Try mkydan,ldz.

(la megdanyldz.) Or la m,gdan,ldz. It isn't a yl, it's a syllabic l. And it isn't any form of lojban e, it can only be a buffer vowel, and to require that we use a comma so that the m does not become syllabic. Um, putting a comma there requires the m become syllabic. Comma indicates a syllable break, and since you have nothing but m before the comma, the m must be a syllable unto itself. Lojban orthography is not IPA: you won't get just the right sound, and you can never require the use of a buffer vowel. You don't have access to the buffer vowel from the orthography, it is an optional feature that any given speaker may use or not use whenever that speaker finds it necessary. Tough. --mi'e mark

Okay, so it should be a y. myk,dan,ldz. - Closer to the a it was in Old Irish, but still lax like it is now. That works... I know John Cowan likes to pronounce his y's rounded, to distinguish from a. Bear in mind too that there needn't be a single "right" way to transliterate a given name into Lojban. Just maybe that some are better than others.

The book suggests that "Mc" at the beginning of names be translated with mky. The example it gives is !McVeigh -> mkyveix. So I'd say mkydan,ldz was right.

  • 'Say what? I don't remember any such example. --JC'
    • Huh. Perhaps it was the Lessons, then.

In all of those with a gd we can use kt, there is no rule that the voicing of the second in a cluster is any more important. This is not Russian we are transliterating from but English or Gaelic, take your pick.

Possible transliterations include (for those who don't care about the discussion)

megdanldz. (this one has stress on meg)
mektanldz. (ditto)
myk,dan,ldz. (this one has invalid cluster k,d)

(But how do you say "Whataburger"...?) stidi lu la mo zei baknyrectu li'u

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday 22 of September, 2003 22:14:21 GMT by admin.