
Since one of my reasons for learning Lojban is to one day be able to play a game of Nomic using Lojban, the first step ought to be to try to translate the initial rules into lojban. The initial set of rules can be found at and Peter Suber does not object to us translating the rules, in fact he says:

"Yes, I'd be delighted to see a lojban translation. If you put the translation online, let me know and I'll link to it."

So, I thought maybe I will just put the translation here. I've only done the first rule yet, and it's probably wrong too. mi'e LaNorpan



All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect.
.i ro le kelci cu roroi bilga co tinbe ro le ca na'e cando javni

The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins.
.i ro le krasi javni cu na'e cando ca le nu le se kelci cu cfari

The Initial Set consists of Rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-213 (mutable).
.i ro le krasi javni cu kuspe le'i li 101 ga'o bi'o ga'o 116 javni ce 201 ga'o bi'o ga'o 213 javni


Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable.

Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

Created by LaNorpan. Last Modification: Friday 29 of July, 2005 16:24:55 GMT by xorxes.