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Learning Lojban
Flashcard Programs
NOTE: Smart.fm has ceased to be free.
| Smart.fm - Lojban gismu (all-inclusive), Lojban gismu - place structure (only the gismu), and Lojban gismu - per-place sumti (only gismu sumti) - These three sites on Smart.fm are for learning the gismu and each of the sumti places of each gismu through Smart.fm's "iKnow!" or "Drill Beta" spaced repetition programs. | |||||
Smart.fm - Lojban cmavo, with no compounds, and Lojban cmavo, with some compounds, the second has the more often used "compound cmavo" such as {.ienai} | ||||||
Memrise - Memrise (main page). MemriseConventions | ||||||
Anki is a free and open source program for "spaced repetition", an effective learning technique. It has a built in system for sharing "decks" where you can get Lojban word lists for training: File / Download / Shared Deck, search for "lojban". If this fails for some reason, you can also download and open the deck manually: Anki deck with gismu by frequency. A deck with cmavo is also available (or you can download it from here: anki deck with cmavo and cmavo clusters from jbovlaste ), as is a deck with basic number cmavo Anki deck with basic number cmavo. Anki also has a webinterface that can be synchronised with a local deck. | ||||||
Supermemo is a fantastic way to learn Lojban. Robin has made a list of words, more information available here. | ||||||
** Supermemo has Windows (including Windows CE) and Palmpilot versions. | ||||||
** There is a free version of Supermemo for Windows. It runs well under Wine for Linux. | ||||||
*** Save this as list.txt. Run Supermemo, create a new database, choose options->go professional then tools->import text and import list.txt. Then start learning! | ||||||
Mnemosyne is a Supermemo-like open source program based on spaced repetition. Here is a deck of flashcards for it, with the English gloss word on the front and the corresponding Lojban word and definition on the back: lojban.mem And here's a different deck, this time with the Lojban word on the front (tab-separated; use Mnemosyne's "import" function): vocabulary list for mnemosyne | ||||||
Quizlet, a website for learning vocabulary, with some Lojban vocabulary imported | ||||||
Rememberize, another web-based flashcard site with Lojban vocabulary imported | ||||||
Jay Kominek's Perl flashcard script (It requires some other software on his Lojban page to generate the data files) | ||||||
Various software (DOS, primarily) is described and accessible at http://www.lojban.org/files/roadmap.html#software, including Logflash (a flashcard program), and the official parser. | ||||||
Files to get Logflash working under DOSEMU | ||||||
jMemorize is a simple and user-friendly flashcard program. See the jMemorize instructions page. | ||||||
gismutrainer is a command-line tool for learning gismus, uses python. | ||||||
number trianer A simple program that helps you memorise lojban words that are associated with numbers. | ||||||
lojbanic number trainer The above programs cousin. | ||||||
FlashCards, a Macintosh program | ||||||
** some data for it is available at http://satirist.org/lojban/cilre/ |
| Implicit learning is an easy and powerful method of learning languages. There is a free program for Windows (as well as some Linux implementations), called Parallel 2, which allows users to read sentences one by one in native (e.g. English) language and their translation to Lojban. Parallel 2 allows also to listen to audio files bound with each target sentence, enhancing listening capabilities. | |||||
http://www.coirodo.com A wonder full website featuring a children's book in lojban and other lojbanic resources. | ||||||
Popup.app is a GNUstep based vocabulary learning tool that can use cmafi'e to extract the vocabulary from a given text. | ||||||
A Windows application to help learning Lojban in Spanish. New bilingual (Spanish/English) version with new features now available. By Alvaro Vallejo. | ||||||
Learnfast - a learning program | ||||||
An update of Seidensticker's Lojban Vocabulary Trainer; by kaliputra | ||||||
Inst_Tutor.exe, probably another tutor. You'd have to check. => First version of "A Windows application to help learning Lojban in Spanish." (mi'e la.ALbaro.bajexos) | ||||||
lojread A program designed to let people with little knowledge of lojban read lojban, and learn lojban at the same time. | ||||||
Lojval is a Python script allowing easy offline searching for Lojban vocabulary. It can automatically add the definitions it finds to the flashcard decks created by the Java-based flashcard program Pauker. | ||||||
Where Are Your Keys A language fluency game made available for Lojban on website "lo do ckiku ma zvati" by Alan Post. |
Logflash Files
;flashdoc.txt:Internal program documentation, somewhat out of date, for LogFlash. Probably useful to anyone trying to modify the source.
;flashman.txt:A description of the flashcard management process used as the basis for LogFlash - essentially an algorithm statement for the program.
;lfsrc.zip:The Turbo-Pascal source for the current version of LogFlash 1 (LF3 differs only in changing some constant parameters).
;logflash.zip:LogFlash, a computer-aided instruction program for teaching Lojban gismu. This is an MS-DOS executable with support files.
;logfl3.zip:LogFlash 3, a computer-aided instruction program for teaching Lojban cmavo. This is an MS-DOS executable with support files.
;logflash.txt:A description of the LogFlash algorithm at the user level. The current version is described. LogFlash 2,mentioned in the text, is being brought up to the current language standard, but is not yet available.