This page is supposed to act as a central point in coördinating what needs to be done on the tiki.
If you feel like adopting something, just write your name behind it in parentheses, maybe together with the current date. When you're finished, delete it, or move it to a Done section below.
- see what to do about the duplication of information between the home page and the What is Lojban? page linked from the menu (as "About")
- check wether old and outdated translations exist
- nicer layout, at least for the front page
- the news section is not very good advertisement imo. when i read it as a newbie, with one 10sec clip released in 2007, and two news in 2008, i think the community is almost dead. so, maybe add some news?
- The problem is that there is LOTS of new news. There's plenty of news. I don't see any reason to rewrite that ancient text with some recent news and leave it on the front page though. It's weird. It's as if by adding some particular thing that happened I'm sanctioning the erroneous impression it gives that hardly anything ever happens in jbogu'e. So I say we just archive that news to an article called "News That Used To Be Up On The Main Page For Ages Even Though After A Little While It Wasn't News And Started To Give The Wrong Impression" (except shorter, probably) and forget about it. Who's in? -selkik
- write up a page for Lojban for Beginners, similar to What Is Lojban?, The Book or The Complete Lojban Language
- The Contribute page needs creating. Preferably showing the various ways one can contribute to the Lojban collective e.g. via Jbovlaste, the Wiki,, jboselkei, etc.
- Port the whole of CLL to the wiki
- wikify CLL
- Update the CLL draft with the CLL, aka Reference Grammar, Errata
- Maybe produce an online version of Lojban for Beginners