elidable terminator

From the Book, chapter 19, section 17: The elidable terminators are

be'o	BE		sumti attached to a tanru unit
boi	PA/BY		number or lerfu string
do'u	COI/DOI		vocative phrases
fe'u	FIhO		ad-hoc modal tags
ge'u	GOI		relative phrases
kei	NU		abstraction bridi
ke'e	KE		groups of various kinds
ku	LE/LA		description sumti
ku'e	PEhO		forethought mekso
ku'o	NOI		relative clauses
li'u	LU		quotations
lo'o	LI		number sumti
lu'u	LAhE/NAhE+BO	sumti qualifiers
me'u	ME		tanru units formed from sumti
nu'u	NUhI		forethought termsets
se'u	SEI/SOI		metalinguistic insertions
te'u	various		mekso conversion constructs
toi	TO		parenthetical remarks
tu'u	TUhE		multiple sentences or paragraphs
vau	(none)		simple bridi or bridi-tails
ve'o	VEI		mekso parentheses

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