

BPFK Sections

posts: 2388

Each of these has within memory gone the other
way. In any case, they are good reasons for not
connecting tags too rigorously with the
"corresponding" brivla.

> On 5/8/05, Arnt Richard Johansen <>
> wrote:
> > Also I BAI BO <whatever>, which I now realise
> isn't addressed at all in
> > the sections. It's just a stag, but I can't
> remember/don't know if it
> > works the same as other stags.
> No, unfortunately the rule is not uniform for
> all stags.
> {A iri'abo B} corresponds to {A ri'a B},
> whereas
> {A ipubo B} corresponds to {B pu A}.
> See:
> mu'o mi'e xorxes