BPFK Section: PEG Morphology Algorithm Posted by arj on Tue 29 of Jan, 2008 20:31 GMT posts: 953 Use this thread to discuss the page:: BPFK Section: PEG Morphology Algorithm
Posted by arj on Tue 29 of Jan, 2008 20:36 GMT posts: 953 Currently, camxes accepts commas anywhere. However, the CLL says that "The comma is used to indicate a syllable break within a word ...". I take this to mean that commas may only occur within words. -arj
Posted by arj on Tue 29 of Jan, 2008 20:42 GMT posts: 953 How is the lack of pauses following BY treated in the morphology? How should it be treated? CLL is terribly ambiguous on this point. > Note that the lerfu words ending in ``y'' were written (in Example 2.1 and Example 2.2) with pauses after them. It is not strictly necessary to pause after such lerfu words, but failure to do so can in some cases lead to ambiguities: ... > A safe guideline is to pause after any cmavo ending in ``y unless the next word is also a cmavo ending in ``y. The safest and easiest guideline is to pause after all of them. -arj
Posted by arj on Sun 07 of Dec, 2008 12:59 GMT posts: 953 I'm running Robin's test corpus through bouth camxes and the official parser to check for discrepancies. This is one of the first things I found: Official: PASS camxes: FAIL .i,iai,ii,iai,ion. The official parser thinks this is a cmene; camxes thinks this is a nonLojbanWord. If there is a good reason why this shouldn't be allowed (I don't see any), then we should add it to the CLL errata. -arj