New word list search page
I have recently finished writing a Perl CGI script for searching the official
{gismu} and {cmavo} lists, and it is ready for use at
<>. Unlike jbovlaste,
searching the text of entire definitions is possible, and complex queries can
be entered by joining simpler ones together with boolean operators (though
logical grouping of queries isn't implemented yet). You can even use it to get
definitions for random {valsi}. On the downside, you can only search the
contents of the official English word lists; however, the code is freely
available for download & modification, so if you can figure out a way to
improve it, you may do so. Also, note that the form manipulation relies on
JavaScript, and though it has been tested successfully in recent versions of
Firefox & Safari, it may not work in all browsers.
Test it out and let me know what you think!
mu'omi'e la'o gy. Minimiscience .gy.
ko senpi lo du'u do bilga lonu senpi
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