Logical naming , etc
So, names are logically just designators. As such they need to be unique for a given context. So an object may have a number of names, depending on context (including especially what other things have names — and what names they have — in that context). For example, "John E. (or Edward) Clifford" works for most situations in which I find myself, but won't do for even the city of St. Louis (there are two other "E."'s and I'd bet one of them was and "Edward"), yet in some groups, "John" is enough. On a national scale, I think my SSN works, but that would not do internationally (I hear — I haven't checked). And in other contexts, I use other things altogether ("pycyn" or "Kipo" or "kaliputra" or "genieLOG" or ....). So, pick your name for aa context and don't worry about its being your true name. One for each context is good enough: hopefully the set of theose will be unique. As you enter a new context — a new set of relationships — you get to
pick your name (or, for some contexts, you get it guv you). When you get to pick, you can use your own criteria for what is right — preferably trying to avoid other names ion that group. Beyond that, enjoy. There is no logical naming convention.
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