Lojban In General

Lojban In General

Lojban Girl?

posts: 40 United States

Sure she's a complete newbie, but she's interested, and could help lojban
appeal to more non-geeky types, like-- remember Obama Girl? I guess this is
probably a bit different. Anyways, she's a friend of mine, and even though
i've been quick to promote lojban to everyone, she's the one who's actually
tried learning it. I guess i'm asking that you all encourage her and help
her learn. Post video responses, make sure she knows why lojban is awesome,
and offer your support.

P.S. If i could get my 5 year old sister to recite a couple of lines of
lojban on video, what would be the best/cutest thing she could say? Even
though she doesn't actually know lojban, i figure it'd be an interesting
viral marketing stunt (not saying it'll actually go viral but we can

☮♥Ⓐ - http://www.google.com/profiles/danny.piccirillo

posts: 85851

Danny Piccirillo wrote:
> …

posts: 381

In a message dated 9/16/2009 13:58:51 Eastern Daylight Time,
danny.piccirillo@gmail.com writes:

> <A HREF="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTiWPdo24gw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTiWPdo24gw</A>
> Sure she's a complete newbie, but she's interested, and could help lojban
> appeal to more non-geeky types, like-- remember Obama Girl?

I really doubt that Obama Girl got anyone interested in anything about
Obama except Obama Girl.
Would your friend attract other people to Lojban? It's hard to say.
I welcome her.


posts: 12 United States

I encourage her to keep posting on youtube if it interests her, and I'm sure some Lojbanists have fun translating and listening to her. But I don't think it will help much with "marketing" because the only people who find lojban-related videos on youtube are the ones that search for them, and the only people who search for them are people who already know what lojban is.

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posts: 85851

moorkids@juno.com wrote:
> because the only people who find lojban-related videos on youtube are the
> ones that search for them, and the only people who search for them are people
> who already know what lojban is.

I don't think that's necessarily true. I've had "related videos" take me to even
stranger places than wikipedia links have, so it doesn't seem improbable for
someone who never heard of lojban to find some of the videos about it. Now if
all videos were as neat as djancaks lojban videos, that would definitely be great ;)

mu'o mi'e timos