camxes's reaction to some fu'ivla
I installed camxes (the compiled jar) and ran it on some words. I gave it all
the months of the Roman calendar (ianvari, frebuari, martio, prilio, madjio,
djunio, djulio, avgusto, septembero, oktobero, novmbero, decmbero; kuintili
(=djulio), sektili (=avgusto), mercedonio (noi setca ke'a lo frebuari)), and
it accepted them all. Vlatai rejects zo martio bi'o zo djulio.
"soiombo" (a Mongolian symbol) and "peuence" (the Chilean people of the
monkey-puzzle tree) it rejects. These would be valid if the rule were "The
second consonant must be next to another consonant when y'y and ybu are
ignored", but with the current rule, "There must be a consonant cluster in
the first five letters, ignoring y'y and ybu", they're not. However, it
considers "soiombo" to break into "so iombo". This I think is incorrect. A
word beginning with a vowel must be preceded by a pause, else you can't
tell "so iombo" from "soi ombo". Both programs accept "ricrpeuence".
camxes rejects "aierne". Its attempt at a parse is simply "a" (".a .ierne" is
not the start of anything grammatical, as "a" is expecting a sumti to
follow), even though ".ai .erne" is grammatical.
camxes accepts "amliau" and not "mliau"; jbofi'e accepts "mliau" as a word and
splits "amliau" into a misparse. Whichever one is valid means "meow".
When a barnacle settles down, its brain disintegrates.
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