
smuni jijnu

Guess, or infer, or deduce. Used in the phrase "glorked from context", written by David Moser and first published by Douglas Hofstadter.

The original sentence is (

"This gubblick contains many nonsklarkish English flutzpahs, but the overall pluggandisp can be glorked from context."

'---> various attempts at translating a relatively simple gubblick, and disscussions therof'

question: can the nonsense words in "this gubblick" etc. be given a meaning such that the entire sentence is meaningful but does not have the meaning we expect it to have?

Sure, why not? "This book
contains many ungrammatical English sentences, but the overall incomprehensibility
can be reduced from context."

  • This garbage disposal contains many untoasted English muffins, but its overall cloggedness can be perceived from context.
    • What context surrounds a garbage disposal that allows you to determine that its clogged? And who would realistically use 'context' there?

Created by JayKominek. Last Modification: Tuesday 03 of December, 2002 05:13:40 GMT by JayKominek.