
The English word "if" encompasses a large range of concepts. Sometimes it implies correlation, and sometimes it implies causality. Sometimes it expresses an event happening in a counterfactual world. All of these should be translated differently into Lojban, because they express different concepts.

So, there is no "standard" word or phrase you can use to translate English "if" consistently. The following words can all be used:

  • 'ganai, gi' indicates correlation and says nothing about causality.
  • 'go, gi' indicates a slightly different correlation and says nothing about causality.
  • 'va'o, fau' indicate correlation and say nothing about causality?
  • 'mu'ei' is an experimental cmavo which incorporates into Lojban logicians' method of handing conditional statements in terms of possible worlds; it has been discussed on the wiki as a means to indicate counterfactual correlation.
  • 'ca'a' as a sumtcita may indicate necessity like romu'ei
  • 'bi'ai' is the true romu'ei. ca'a is a special variation of su'omu'ei.
  • 'bai' indicates causality, in the sense that one event compels another to happen.
  • 'ja'e' indicates logical causality.
  • 'krinu' indicates causality by reason/justification/explanation.
  • 'nibli' indicates causality by logical implication.
  • 'mukti' indicates causality by motivation/incentive.
  • 'rinka' indicates causality by physical cause.

This page was absolutely getting out of hand, so I've reorganized it. If you feel your viewpoint has been marginalized, sorry.

Please try to keep this list clean - comments about whether a certain form is good or bad should go on the corresponding page. --rab.spir

  • Thanks. A big improvement. --And.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday 30 of November, 2001 12:31:04 GMT by admin.