An issue associated with Korzybski (whose slogan, "The
Map Is Not The Territory", has found a home in sci-fi
lore) but such questions can be found even as far back
as Augustine. Of course, the most extreme form of this
identical with Sapir-Whorf taken literally is obviously
false: we DO perceive things we don't have a name for,
nor are we bound to believe that things exist merely
because we have words for them. But it is good to be able
to refer to this tendency succinctly. "Reification" is a
feature of several mental illnesses (although this concept
itself is a bit of a reification--see Foucault), and insofar
as it often accompanies severely ideological political stances,
there may eventually develop a consensus that these are not
two separate phenomena, one treatable by medicine and the other
requiring such accommodations as may prove fatal to democratic
societies,--but one.
And one is also allowed to ask the question: what would
"Lojbanic reification" be?