Proposed Definitions And Examples
Proposed Definition of ce'i
- ce'i (PA3)
- percent — digit/number: % percentage symbol, hundredths --
Examples of ce'i Usage
cmavo: fi'u (PA3)
Proposed Definition
A digit representing both the fraction slash, when modifying other digits, and the golden ratio, when on its own.
When used between two digit strings m and n, it makes the entire number a fraction m/n. When used in front of a digit string m, it makes the entire number a fraction 1/m. When used after a digit string m, it makes the entire number string a fraction m/1.
When used on its own, it represents the golden ratio φ, a mathematical constant equal to half of the sum of one and the square root of five, or approximately 1.618033.
See Also
Proposed Keywords
- fraction bar
- golden ratio
Usage Examples
- fi'ure lo vovo gerku vi bajra
- "Half of the 44 dogs run here."
- li fi'uze du li cifi'uze pi'i fi'uci
- "1/7 is equal to 7/3 times 1/3."
- li fi'u minso namcu
- "The golden ratio is a famous number."
Proposed Definition of fi'u
- fi'u (PA3)
- fraction slash — digit/number: fraction slash; default "/n" => 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio --
Examples of fi'u Usage
Proposed Definition of ki'o
- ki'o (PA3)
- number comma — digit/number: number comma; thousands --
Examples of ki'o Usage
Proposed Definition of ma'u
- ma'u (PA3)
- positive number — digit/number: plus sign; positive number; default any positive --
Examples of ma'u Usage
Proposed Definition of me'i
- me'i (PA3)
- less than — digit/number: less than --
Examples of me'i Usage
Proposed Definition of ni'u
- ni'u (PA3)
- negative number — digit/number: minus sign; negative number); default any negative --
Examples of ni'u Usage
Proposed Definition of pi
- pi (PA3)
- decimal point — digit/number: radix (number base) point; default decimal --
Examples of pi Usage
Proposed Definition of pi'e
- pi'e (PA3)
- digit separator — digit/number:separates digits for base >16, not current standard, or variable (e.g. time, date) --
Examples of pi'e Usage
Proposed Definition of ra'e
- ra'e (PA3)
- repeating decimal — digit/number: repeating digits (of a decimal) follow --
Examples of ra'e Usage
Proposed Definition of za'u
- za'u (PA3)
- greater than — digit/number: greater than --
Examples of za'u Usage