History: BPFK Section: Syntactic Numbers

Preview of version: 31

Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: ce'i (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Percentage. Expresses a fraction of 100 with the digits to the left as the numerator.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {fi'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • percent

Usage Examples

li pa no no no ce'i du li pa no
1000% is 10


  • ksion says "ce'i" is basically "pi'i vei fi'u cinono ve'o"


  • CLL doesn't define "ce'i" in prose

  • Doesn't regard digits to the right

cmavo: fi'u (PA3)

Proposed Definition

A digit representing both the fraction slash, when modifying other digits, and the golden ratio, when on its own.

When used between two digit strings m and n, it makes the entire number a fraction m/n. When used in front of a digit string m, it makes the entire number a fraction 1/m. When used after a digit string m, it makes the entire number string a fraction m/1.

When used on its own, it represents the golden ratio φ, a mathematical constant equal to half of the sum of one and the square root of five, or approximately 1.618033.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ra'e}
  • {pa}
  • {pai}

Proposed Keywords

  • fraction bar
  • golden ratio

Usage Examples

fi'ure lo vovo gerku vi bajra
"Half of the 44 dogs run here."
li fi'uze du li cifi'uze pi'i fi'uci
"1/7 is equal to 3/7 times 1/3."
li fi'u minso namcu
"The golden ratio is a famous number."





Proposed Definition of fi'u

fi'u (PA3)
fraction slash — digit/number: fraction slash; default "/n" => 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio
    • Keywords:

cmavo: ki'o (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Thousands seperator
partitions a decimal number into groups of 3 digits.

When there are less than 3 digits following a ki'o, replace the ki'o with enough {no} to have 3 digits in total.

Expansion formulae:

Integral part (left of the decimal point)
"A ki'o B" is A*1000 + B
Fractional part (right of the decimal point)
"pi A ki'o B" needs to be defined

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {pi}
  • {kilto}

Proposed Keywords

  • Thousands seperator

Usage Examples

pa ki'o recivo ki'o muxaze
((1*1000) + 234) * 1000 + 567 = 1234567


  • Some cultures use a dot as the decimal point, and a comma or a space as the thousands seperator. Other cultures use the comma as the decimal point, and a dot or a space as the thousands seperator. {ki'o} is always the thousands seperator, and {pi} is always the decimal point (or the radix point in other number bases).


  • CLL chapter 18, example 3.10 looks like an error: there are only 3 "pa" and 3 "one", yet 4 "1"

  • Needs definition for usage in fractional part

  • Needs definition for more than 3 following PA1s
    • camxes and jbofihe accept "ki'o papapapa"

  • kribacr proposes adapting "ki'o" for non-decimal bases, with integral formula "ve'o A ki'o B vei ju'u C" = A*C^3 + B

cmavo: ma'u (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Positive sign
(together with other digits) this number is positive.
Positive number
(standing alone) this is an unspecified positive number.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ni'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • positive
  • positive sign
  • positive number

Usage Examples

li ma'u ci du li mu vu'u re
"+3 equals 5 minus 2"
ma'u bridi cu cusku
"a positive number of predications is expressed"




  • Needs definition for more than one appearance of "ma'u" and "ni'u"

cmavo: ni'u (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Negative sign
(together with other digits) this number is negative.
Negative number
(standing alone) this is an unspecified negative number.

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ma'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • negative
  • negative sign
  • negative number

Usage Examples

li ni'u ci du li re vu'u mu
"-3 equals 2 minus 5"
mi ponse ni'u rupnu
"I have a negative amount of money" (i.e. in debt)




  • See issues of {ma'u}

cmavo: pi (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Radix point
partitions a number into an integral part (to the left of the point) and fractional part (to the right of the point)

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {ki'o}
  • {pi'e}

Proposed Keywords

  • Radix point
  • Decimal point (when used in a base-10 number)

Usage Examples

li no pi mu
li vai pi rei ju'u vai


  • See notes for {ki'o}.



cmavo: pi'e (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Compound base separator
partitions a number into parts of different bases

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {pi}
  • {ju'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • dot (chapter/section seperator)
  • slash (date seperator)
  • dash (date seperator)
  • colon (time seperator)

Usage Examples

li no pi'e bi pi'e pare cu tcika la'e di'u li renopano pi'e bi pi'e xa
"It happened at 00:08:12 on 2010-08-06"
zo pi'e cu se pilno le pabi pi'e pano moi terfendi
"the word "pi'e" is used in Section 18.10"


  • The bases and meanings of each part depend on context. Arithmetics on compound-base numbers is also defined by context.

  • Each digit for bases larger than 16 can be expressed using more than one PA, which are then delimited by {pi'e}.



cmavo: ra'e (PA3)

Proposed Definition

Repeating decimal
digits to the right repeat indefinitely

Proposed Tag

See Also

  • {fi'u}

Proposed Keywords

  • repeating

Usage Examples

li pa fi'u ci du li pi ra'e ci
"1/3 equals 0.(3)"
li ze fi'u pare du li pi mu bi ra'e ci
"7/12 equals 0.58(3)"
li pa fi'u ze du li pi ra'e pavorebimuze
"1/7 equals 0.(142857)"


  • Should only be used in the fractional part


  • Needs definition when there is no digit to the right.
  • I suggest {ra'e} without digits to the right to simply indicate that the number's fractional part is infinite. Example: li pai du li ci pi pavopaxa ra'e — ksion


me'i and za'u, though officially in PA3, are defined under Inexact Numbers



Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 13:56 GMT Ilmen from Erasing the remnants of the previous and sketchy definition. 32
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 13:55 GMT Ilmen from Template 31
Sat 14 of Jun, 2014 17:05 GMT selpa'i from 30
Sat 14 of Jun, 2014 17:03 GMT selpa'i from 29
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:14 GMT mukti from 28
Fri 06 of Jun, 2014 15:34 GMT Ilmen from Minor edit 27
Fri 06 of Jun, 2014 15:31 GMT Ilmen from Boxing format 26
Fri 15 of Oct, 2010 11:45 GMT Xion from Added a proposed interpretation of {ra'e} 25
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 17:44 GMT lazni from missing the key word 24
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 17:41 GMT lazni from ra'e 23
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 17:27 GMT lazni from pi'e 22
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 17:05 GMT lazni from ni'u 21
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 17:02 GMT lazni from ma'u 20
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 00:22 GMT lazni from should not use {} recklessly 19
Thu 05 of Aug, 2010 00:16 GMT lazni from pi: don't duplicate the cultural note 18
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 22:11 GMT lazni from says right digits are undefined 17
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 22:07 GMT lazni from fix example 16
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 22:06 GMT lazni from right digits issue 15
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 22:04 GMT lazni from ce'i 14
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:48 GMT lazni from remove old template's section 13
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:46 GMT lazni from pi: def, keywords, examples, note 12
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:17 GMT lazni from remove old template's section 11
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:11 GMT lazni from missing paren 10
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:09 GMT lazni from remove old template's section 9
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 21:09 GMT lazni from kribacr's proposal 8
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 20:53 GMT lazni from 7
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 20:47 GMT lazni from ki'o: note cultural representations 6
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 20:42 GMT lazni from ki'o: use template; define integral part; issues; ksion's example 5
Wed 04 of Aug, 2010 19:03 GMT lazni from the number disagrees with the lojban 4
Sat 17 of Apr, 2010 17:46 GMT xorxes from 3
Sat 17 of Apr, 2010 17:40 GMT symuyn from 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:42 GMT rlpowell from 1