mi klama le zarci ce'e le briju pe'e je le zdani ce'e le ckule
I go to the store from the office and from the store to the school.
la .cul. ce'e fo la .robertas. pe'e je ku'i la .bal. ce'e fo la .i,an. ckule
"Cul is the school Roberta goes to but Bal is the school Ian goes to."
abu troci le nu vreta gi'e punji nu'ige lo cidni le lamji be le vorme gi le drata birka le sruri be le stedu
She tried the effect of lying down with one elbow against the door, and the other arm curled round her head.
nu'i go do le jdini mi gi mi le remna selzeile'a do cu dunda
"I'll give you the hostage(s) if and only if you give me the money."
ra nu'i gonai le kerfa le batmai nu'u gi le xance le ciblu nu'u le zbabu cu lumci
"They're either using the soap to get the gum out of their hair or to wash the blood off their hands."
la .djan. fa'u la .frank. cusku nu'i bau la .lojban. nu'u fa'u bai la .djordj. nu'u
"John and Frank speak in Lojban and under George's compulsion, respectively."
mi djica ta'e ce'e tu'a lo ckafi pe'e je ta'e nai ce'e lo tcati
"I normally want coffee, occasionally tea."