History: BPFK Section: sumtcita Formants

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Proposed definitions

fi'o (FIhO)
Converts a selbri into a tag. The tag modifies a sentence or connects two sentences. When modifying a sentence, the tag can take an argument that further specifies it and which fills the first argument of the converted selbri.
fe'u (FEhU)
Terminator for FIhO

Formal definitions

fi'o selbri zo'u sentence lo nu sentence cu jai selbri
fi'o selbri sumti zo'u sentence lo nu sentence cu jai selbri fai sumti
fi'o selbri gi sentence1 gi sentence2 lo nu sentence1 cu selbri fai lo nu sentence2
sentence1 i fi'o selbri fe'u bo sentence2 lo nu sentence1 cu jai selbri fai lo nu sentence2


  • Tags have two related but distinct functions, as unary bridi operators and as binary bridi operators.

  • As unary operators, they can take an argument that specifies the tag.

  • The sense of {fi'o selbri} as a bridi operator has to be defined for each selbri. In many cases it will correspond to the sentence filling the x2 or some other place of selbri, but this only works when selbri will admit a sentence as one of its arguments. A general orientative rule might be that the sentence fills the first place (after the x1, which is already accounted for) that will admit a sentence. If there is no place that will admit a sentence, then the relationship is a vague one.

  • The negation unary operator, NA/NA KU, can also be expressed as {fi'o natfe} or {fi'o natfe lo fatci}. For example {mi fi'o natfe fe'u klama le zarci} that I go to the market is contradicted by the facts" {mi na klama le zarci} I don't go to the market''.

  • Bridi operators in general are not commutative, so the order in which tags appear with respect to negation, quantifiers, connectives or other tags matters. The general rule is that a bridi operator has scope over the operators that follow and is within the scope of preceding operators.

  • As binary operators, only some tags are meaningful. For example {pu gi ... gi ...} and {ri'a gi ... gi ...}, but not {bau gi ... gi ...} or {ka'a gi ... gi ...}. In general, {fi'o selbri} will be meaningful as a connective if the x1 of selbri is meaningful with a sentence.


Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:27 GMT Ilmen from Template 22
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:25 GMT Ilmen from Template 21
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 11:24 GMT Ilmen from Adding a couple of keywords. 20
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:07 GMT selpa'i from Fancy Table Plugin modified by editor. 19
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:00 GMT selpa'i from Fancy Table Plugin modified by editor. 18
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:14 GMT mukti from 17
Fri 06 of Jun, 2014 20:34 GMT Ilmen from Changing the example. 16
Fri 06 of Jun, 2014 17:25 GMT Ilmen from Boxing + {fe'u} example 15
Sat 31 of May, 2014 19:09 GMT selpa'i from 14
Thu 29 of May, 2014 13:19 GMT selpa'i from 13
Tue 27 of May, 2014 15:01 GMT selpa'i from Prettified 12
Sat 16 of Oct, 2010 04:07 GMT eyeonus from 11
Sat 16 of Oct, 2010 03:15 GMT eyeonus from 10
Sat 16 of Oct, 2010 02:51 GMT eyeonus from 9
Fri 15 of Oct, 2010 04:17 GMT eyeonus from 8
Sat 17 of Apr, 2010 21:01 GMT xorxes from 7
Fri 01 of Apr, 2005 19:34 GMT xorxes from 6
Fri 01 of Apr, 2005 17:55 GMT xorxes from 5
Fri 01 of Apr, 2005 16:14 GMT xorxes from 4
Fri 01 of Apr, 2005 15:27 GMT xorxes from 3
Tue 23 of Nov, 2004 20:26 GMT xorxes from 2
Sat 31 of Jul, 2004 16:46 GMT xorxes from 1