la ziryroi has been mentioned so often that it deserves its own description. Anyone?
From the gismu zirpu, meaning "purple," and roi, which converts number to an objectively quantified tense interval modifier.
(No, in mijyjbo the rafsi for rokci (now ro'i) was roi.)
Some of its poems are available on this wiki:
le puzi cerni
mela sapir .uorf.
skanunydji (An updated version of skadji)
le te pemci .e le se binxo
(See le mi lojbo se morji.) Its preface, translated (as
the original) interlinearly.
The first book written completely in Lojban (or mijyjbo, anyway).
Of the first edition of 27 copies, 26 were sent to Logfest '91.
Notice in JL 15 (Aug/Sep 1991): "Michael Helsem has collected several of his Lojban poems, made corrections, and published them in an artistically decorated cover--copies were given to every Logfest attendee. There are still some Lojban errors in the book, but if you like poetry, the English versions will have value and the enormous volume of Lojban may inspre you, as well as provide ideas on what works and what fails to communicate in Lojban text. We have several copies left of this `first Lojban book', which we will send free upon request to anyone making a prepaid order over $20, or for postage costs only ($2-$3) otherwise. Michael seeks comments and suggestions from all readers.
John Hodges observes that Michael's publication, even with imperfect Lojban, is a `significant event, symbolically and politically. This is exactly the kind of thing `'la lojbangirz.'' wanted to make possible by insisting that the language be public domain, and precisely what JCB wanted to prevent by keeping copyright control over the very words of his language. Helsem did not ask permission to publish. you and he took it for granted that it was his right to publish. JCB would deny this. To defend the purity of the language, JCB would insist that Helsem correct his grammar before publishing. (Not to mention, send royalties to JCB.)'"
I had been writing in Lojban from the start. At the same time, every year during the Dog Days, i only wrote in Esperanto. This year i wanted to only write in Lojban, so i could finish a book by Logfest.