These are abandoned projects or just broken links. If you are the author of one of the projects listed here, and that project is not dead, merely the link is broken, please fix it!
- Broken link: Java version of the jbovlaste for offline use
- Broken link: valfa'i - An online dictionary.
- Broken link: zanfa'i - Another online dictionary, also for download.
- Broken link: selylerga'i - online lojban orthography convertor (currently Latin -> Arabic, Tengwar, Turkish, or IPA).
- Broken link: mlismu is Eimi's fact-based lojban random sentence generator. additions to fatci.txt are welcome!
- uses jbofi'e to find out which terminators are unneeded
- Broken link:
web frontend to mlismu
- the code is now hosted on github! (not broken)
- Contains broken links: bancus wrote an IRC bot to play a game similar to 5x5 called mumym
- The Lojban MOO was an ambitious MUD
- A proposal for a game: lojbo munje.
- i18n started being implemented for Tremulous, a free online first-person shooter.