BPFK Sections: Gadri & Subordinators: Definitions from Aug 9 & Aug 27 Posted by pycyn on Tue 09 of Nov, 2004 01:26 GMT posts: 2388 Use this thread to discuss the BPFK Sections: Gadri & Subordinators: Definitions from Aug 9 & Aug 27 page.
Posted by pycyn on Tue 09 of Nov, 2004 01:26 GMT posts: 2388 This what I put up before. I have not checked it over to see whether there is more to be changed than what I just mentioned. At least there is now one place to look. We need the notion of an individual, which in this case is when “some” is just “one” It would be nice to avoid quantifiers that go on indefinitely so the following is an approximation (which seems to work) “a 1-ad” is short for “Ax: x among a a among x” We have a theorem (which might be a definition but for the distributive nature of “1among”): “a D-broda” iff “Ax: x among a and x 1-ad x broda.” We can go recursively: given “n-ad,” “a n+1-ad” is “Ix: x among a(x n-ad & Ay: y among a & y not among x y 1-ad)”. Similarly, “a =<1-ad” is just “a 1-ad” (since there are no empty pluralities) and “a >=1-ad” is just “Ix: x among a x 1-ad.” This last formula generalizes to all finite integers. Given “a =< n-ad,” “a =<n+1-ad” is “Ax: x among a either x =<n-ad or x n+1-ad.” And so on as usual. Some places are always D (like 1among) others are always C (like among2) most can be either as the case requires. For variables, there needs to be a flag to say how the predication is to be taken, so we will assume this, though it is not yet lexed. Some constructions default one or the other distributivity, marked (D) or (C) but the defaults can be overcome in various ways (by the requirement of the predicate place, by the D- or C- mark. The marks are left off when either will work. Then we have for {lo broda cu brode} just “Ix: x (D)broda x D-brode” this contrasts with {loi broda cu brode} in the way you would expect: “Ix: x (D)broda x C-brode” and with {le} (and parallelly {lei}: {le broda cu brode} is, for some x, “x D-I describe them as broda & x D-brode” The numeric cases (here for the {lo} set, the {le} and {la} follow mutatis mutandis) have to be divided according to type of quantifier, integer (i), fractional (f) or relative (r); {lo i broda cu brode} = “Ix: x broda x D-brode & x i-ad” On the other side, we come closer to the older definitions involving sets: {i lo broda cu brode} is “Ix: x D-brodaIy: y among x y D-brode & y i-ad.” The fractional quantifiers are like this except depending on the number of the basic plurality: {lo f broda cu brode} is “Ix: x broda x brode & Ay: y broda if Az: z brodaz among y & y i-ad then x h(f times n)-ad” (where h is a rounding function – all of this properly fuzzied). {f lo broda cu brode} “Ix: x brodaIy: y among x y brode & if x i-ad then y h(f times n)-ad” Relative quantifiers have, of course, to be related to the overarching plurality: {lo r broda cu brode} is “Ix: x broda x brode & ry: y broda & y 1-ad y among x” and × Plugin disabledPlugin r cannot be executed. is “Ix: x broda Iy: y among x y brode & r z: z among x & z 1-ad z among y” The earlier “a n-ad” is demonstrably the same as “n x: x 1-ad x among a,” so these could all be brought into something close to a single pattern. These definitions incorporate several suggestions from the other proposals running around, those that seem fruitful. One final change to suggest: {la q brod brode} is “Ix: x are called “q brod” x brode” so there is no way to insert the number of things called “brod” parallel to {lo n broda}. We need a mark to indicate that what follows it, insofar as it is a quantifier (and this can be defined lexically, I think), is a cardinal for the plurality. Since this mark needs to be something that cannot be absorbed into a name, this involves recycling {doi} after {la}, where it cannot now occur. PA da broda Qx: xF (nothing is said here about whether x is singular or plural or whether Qx has some internal structure.) PA da poi broda cu brode Qx: xF xG (~Qx: xF xG is QÂ’x: xF ~xG, where QÂ’ is the complement of Q – insert table here) PA da noi broda cu brode Qx: xG & xF (~(xF & xG) is ~xF & xG – and so on). L broda cu brode Ex: xF xG (nothing is said here about the possibility that claims with {L broda} may be different from those about {da}, in particular that quantifiers may have different internal structures, if any.) (this is strictly for {lo/loi}; for {le/lei} and {la/lai}, “F” is replaced by a suitably modified expression that mentions “F” and the quantifier is outside the range of the sentence.) L broda poi brode cu brodi Ex: xF & xG xH L broda noi brode cu brodi Ex: xF xH & xG L PA broda cu brode Qx: xF xG (where Q is the quantifier that matches PA) L PA broda poi brode cu brodi Qx: xF & xG xH L PA broda noi brode cu brodi Qx: xF xH & xG L PA broda ku poi brode cu brodi Qx: xFEy: yG & yAx Hy (the structure of “yAx” is not dealt with but it means that whatever y stands for is something that x also stands for) L PA broda ku noi brode cu brodi Qx: xF xH & xG (this one looks suspect, since it is the same as one above, but it seems to follow from the rules) PA L broda cu brode Ex: xFQy: yAx yG PA L broda poi brode cu brodi Ex: xF & xGQy: yAx xH PA L broda ku poi brode cu brodi Ex: xFQy: yAx & yG yH PA L broda noi brode cu brodi Ex: xFQy: yAx yH & xG PA L broda ku noi brode cu brodi Ex: xFQy: yAx yH & yG