

Wiki page Magic Words changed

posts: 14214
Use this thread to discuss the Wiki page Magic Words changed page.
posts: 14214

On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 04:04:45PM -0800, wrote:
> ! Special SI and SA Cases
> * SI has no effect in a LOhU...LEhU even though ZO+LEhU does, so
> you can't do ZO+LEhU+SI+SI inside a LOhU...LEhU quote to get
> nothing.
> * SA can destroy LOhU...LEhU quotes, of course.
> LOhU...LEhU+SA+LOhU, in particular, is exactly equivalent to just
> LOhU (hence, the quote is re-opened). SA cannot erase to any
> other word in a LOhU...LEhU quote (because they are not considered
> part of any selma'o) except for ZO if a ZO+LEhU quote is used
> inside the LOhU...LEhU quote (because the ZO is used grammatically
> in this case, and hence has a selma'o in practice).

These two rules should give you all a good idea of why I oppose the
ZO+LEhU hack. If people want to talk about failed LOhU...LEhU
quotes, the can bloddy damned well use ZOI, IMO.


Robin Lee Powell scripsit:

> These two rules should give you all a good idea of why I oppose the
> ZO+LEhU hack. If people want to talk about failed LOhU...LEhU
> quotes, the can bloddy damned well use ZOI, IMO.

I should point out that "zo le'u" wasn't of course intended to allow the

  • literal* word-by-word quotation of a lo'u...le'u within a lo'u...le'u.

The intended style is lo'u ... lo'u ... zo le'u ... le'u, which is
intended to be *understood* as a literal quotation.

I doubt this feature, or misfeature, has ever been used (no ghits for it),
and if not, perhaps it should be removed. zoi-quotation is a reasonable
alternative, especially given that zoi-quotations nest nicely provided
you use a different delimiter for the outer quotation.

John Cowan
Consider the matter of Analytic Philosophy. Dennett and Bennett are well-known.
Dennett rarely or never cites Bennett, so Bennett rarely or never cites Dennett.
There is also one Dummett. By their works shall ye know them. However, just as
no trinities have fourth persons (Zeppo Marx notwithstanding), Bummett is hardly
known by his works. Indeed, Bummett does not exist. It is part of the function
of this and other e-mail messages, therefore, to do what they can to create him.