

Lojbanic Forums

posts: 14214
Use this thread to discuss the Lojbanic Forums page.
posts: 14214

Free-form chat that used to be here:

Along the lines of the IRC, I'm thinking of making a MUSH? for Lojbananas (partly because I'm not often on IRC and somehow find MUSHes easier.) Any interest? Let me know; mi'e mark.

The Logical Language Group formerly published a newsletter, lojbo karni, and a journal, ju'i lobypli. Thanks, but why is this in the forums page?

How about a newsgroup on some newsserver (maybe even on usenet)? I think mailinglists are old-fasion. :-) Maybe a gateway between the mailinglists and the newsgroup(s)? Then people can use whatever they want, and still communicate with each other.

'Seeing as usenet was one of the earliest pieces of the internet, it would also have to count as "old-fas(h)ion". Besides, mailing lists get the job done.'

posts: 80

I'd like to add my 2c...

  • c. #1 - The title of this page (Lojbanic Forums) is probably unnecessarily misleading. Online, "forums" are now the term used to refer to collaborative message boards. In fact, this site has such "forums" at One is named "Lojbanic Forums" and the other "Forums". I think this could be made less confusing.

  • c. #2 - I opine that the information on this page could be usefully merged into the Lojbanic Community Links page. Does anyone object?

posts: 14214

On Sun, Jan 08, 2006 at 07:17:35PM -0800, brablonau wrote:
> I'd like to add my 2c...
> * c. #1 - The title of this page (Lojbanic Forums) is probably
> unnecessarily misleading. Online, "forums" are now the term used
> to refer to collaborative message boards. In fact, this site has
> such "forums" at
> One is named "Lojbanic Forums" and the other "Forums". I think
> this could be made less confusing.

Would "Lojbanic Discussion Forums" bother you less?

> * c. #2 - I opine that the information on this page could be
> usefully merged into the Lojbanic Community Links page. Does
> anyone object?

As stated elsewhere, I do. I consider them to be entirely
unrelated; one is about places to discuss Lojban, the other is about
people and places where Lojban is used.


posts: 4740
The link "Beginner's Mailing List" is broken. I'm not sure where it's supposed to go.
posts: 162

Eppcott wrote:
> Re: Lojbanic Forums
> The link "Beginner's Mailing List" is broken. I'm not sure where it's supposed to go.

the actual list is at:
but I would look at where links to lojban list point. If they point to
an archive or to a subscription page, then the beginners list link
should point to something comparable for that list.
