

BPFK Section: gismu Issues

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Use this thread to discuss the page: BPFK Section: gismu Issues
posts: 953

The notes for "salci" has "funeral (= mrobixsla)". This is unfortunate, because a jvojva interpretation of "mrobixsla" is that it refers to a participant in the celebration, not the celebration itself.


posts: 324

On Wednesday 22 October 2008 05:10:17 arj wrote:
> sarefo_work2 on IRC says that, in the notes for jalra, in "while roaches
> are an order unto themselves, they are part of Orthoptera, which includes
> grasshoppers, crickets, etc.", "part of" should be replaced with "closely
> related to".
> Pierre should probably vet this.

The closest relatives of cockroaches are termites, with the closest extant
relatives being the cockroach Cryptocercus, which eats wood, and the termite
Mastotermes, which lays egg cases. Some taxonomists classify both cockroaches
and termites as one order.

The next closest order is the mantises, which I call {mantode} ({mantida}
would refer to only one family and is easy to mistake for {manti da}). These
and the cockroaches and termites constitute the Dictyoptera.

How closely the Orthoptera are related to any of them appears to be disagreed
among taxonomists. There are some references to an infraclass, or superorder,
Orthopteroidea, but the classification currently listed on Wikipedia places
Orthoptera in Exopterygota sensu stricto.

So {mantyctijalra} should be retained, but if we say {pipyjalra} and
{sagjalra}, they are like {xajyfi'e}, which isn't a fish.
