BabelFish-type Instant Translation
There is a FireFox add-on called BabelFish:
It automates the translation of a selected (including mouse-hovered)
word/sentence, via Google and Yahoo services, and instantly shows the
result in a small pop-up area. Very practical, helpful, and motivating
for language learners.
I wonder if such a gadget could be provided for Lojban learners in the
near future. Just popping up a gloss-based translation of a selected
gismu/lujvo would be great. There seems to be a growing interest in
writing/reading lojbanic texts on e.g. Twitter, where the pop-up
translation would surely come in handy for beginner followers.
BabelFish, like any other FireFox add-ons, is licensed under
Attribution-Share Alike, so I'm humbly guessing its source code could
be used as the groundwork and tweaked so as to make the program refer
to jbofi'e, jbovlaste, etc. instead of Google and Yahoo. (My knowledge
of programming is limited, I'm not fully aware of what it takes to
create a browser add-on, I might be asking too much.)
Similar to BabelFish are Perapera-kun
( and Rikai-chan
mu'o mi'e tijlan
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