Simple gismu X

B | C | D | F | G | J | K | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | V | X | Z

xabju x1 lives in x2 x1 dwells/lives/resides/abides at/inhabits/is a resident of location/habitat/nest/home/abode x2.
xadba x1 is half of x2 by standard x3 x1 is exactly/approximately half/semi-/demi-/hemi- of x2 by standard x3.
xadni x1 is the body of x2 x1 is a/the body/corpus/corpse of x2; (adjective:) x1 is corporal/corporeal.
xagji x1 is hungry for x2 x1 hungers for x2; x1 needs/wants food/fuel x2.
xagri x1 is a reed instrument x1 is a oboe/clarinet/saxophone [reed musical instrument] with reed x2.
xajmi x1 is funny to x2 because x3 x1 is funny/comical to x2 in property/aspect x3 (nu/ka); x3 is what is funny about x1 to x2.
xaksu x1 uses up x2 x1 (event) uses up/depletes/consumes/[wastes] x2 [resource].
xalbo x1 is non-serious about x2 x1 uses levity/is non-serious/frivolous about x2 (abstraction).
xalka x1 is alcohol of type x2 from source x3 x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of alcohol of type x2 from source/process x3.
xalni x1 panics because x2 x1 (person) is panicked by crisis x2 (event/state).
xamgu x1 is good for x2 by standard x3 x1 (object/event) is good/beneficial/nice/[acceptable] for x2 by standard x3.
xampo x1 is x2 ampere by standard x3 x1 is x2 ampere(s) [metric unit] in current (default is 1) by standard x3.
xamsi x1 is a sea on planet x2 of fluid x3 x1 is a sea/ocean/gulf/[atmosphere] of planet x2, of fluid x3; (adjective:) x1 is marine.
xance x1 is the hand of x2 x1 is a/the hand [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: manipulating tool, waldo].
xanka x1 is worried about x2 under conditions x3 x1 is nervous/anxious about x2 (abstraction) under conditions x3.
xanri x1 is imaginary to x2 x1 [concept] exists in the imagination of/is imagined by/is imaginary to x2.
xanto x1 is an elephant of breed x2 x1 is an elephant of species/breed x2.
xarci x1 is a weapon used against x2 by x3 x1 is a weapon/arms for use against x2 by x3.
xarju x1 is a pig of breed x2 x1 is a pig/hog/swine/[boar] [pork/ham/bacon-producer] of species/breed x2.
xarnu x1 stubbornly opposes x2 about x3 x1 is stubborn/willfully opposing/resisting x2 about x3 (event/state).
xasli x1 is a donkey of breed x2 x1 is a donkey/jackass of species/breed x2.
xasne x1 is the sweat from x2 excreted via x3 x1 is a/the sweat/perspiration from body x2, excreted by gland(s)/organs x3.
xatra x1 is a letter to x2 from x3 with content x4 x1 is a letter/missive/[note] to intended audience x2 from author/originator x3 with content x4.
xatsi x1 is 10^-18 of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
xazdo x1 is Asian in aspect x2 x1 reflects Asiatic culture/nationality/geography in aspect x2.
xebni x1 hates x2 x1 hates/despises x2 (object/abstraction); x1 is full of hate for x2; x2 is odious to x1.
xebro x1 is Hebrew in aspect x2 x1 reflects Hebrew/Jewish/Israeli culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
xecto x1 is a hundred [100; 10^2] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
xedja x1 is the jaw of x2 x1 is a/the jaw [body-part] of x2.
xekri x1 is black x1 is black/extremely dark-colored [color adjective].
xelso x1 is Greek in aspect x2 x1 reflects Greek/Hellenic culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
xendo x1 is kind to x2 in doing x3 x1 (person) is kind to x2 in actions/behavior x3.
xenru x1 regrets x2 x1 regrets/rues (abstraction) x2; x1 is regretful/rueful/sorry/[remorseful] about x2.
xexso x1 is 10^18 of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
xindo x1 is Hindi in aspect x2 x1 reflects Hindi language/culture/religion in aspect x2.
xinmo x1 is a quantity of ink of color/pigment x2 used by writing device x3.
xirma x1 is a horse of breed x2 x1 is a horse/equine/[colt/mare/stallion/pony] of species/breed x2.
xislu x1 is a wheel of x2 made from x3 x1 is a wheel [tool] of device/vehicle x2, made of materials/having properties x3.
xispo x1 is Hispanic-American in aspect x2 x1 reflects Hispano-American culture/nationalities in aspect x2.
xlali x1 is bad for x2 by standard x3 x1 is bad for x2 by standard x3; x1 is poor/unacceptable to x2.
xlura x1 influences x2 into x3 by influence x4 x1 (agent) influences/lures/tempts x2 into action/state x3 by influence/threat/lure x4.
xotli x1 is a hotel at x2 operated by x3 x1 is a hotel/inn/hostel at location x2 operated by x3.
xrabo x1 is Arabic in aspect x2 x1 reflects Arabic-speaking culture/nationality in aspect x2.
xrani x1 injures x2 in property x3 resulting in injury x4 x1 (event) injures/harms/damages victim x2 in property x3 (ka) resulting in injury x4 (state).
xriso x1 is Christian in aspect x2 x1 pertains to the Christian religion/culture/nationality in aspect x2.
xruba x1 is buckwheat of strain x2 x1 is a quantity of buckwheat/rhubarb/sorrel grass of species/strain x2.
xruki x1 is a turkey of breed x2 x1 is a turkey [food/bird] of species/breed x2.
xrula x1 is a flower of plant x2 x1 is a/the flower/blossom/bloom [body-part] of plant/species x2; (adjective:) x1 is floral.
xruti x1 makes x2 be x3 instead of x4 again x1 (agent) returns x2 to origin/earlier state x3 from x4; x1 moves/gives x2 back to x3 from x4.
xukmi x1 is chemically x2 with purity x3 x1 is an instance of substance/chemical/drug x2 (individual or mass) with purity x3.
xunre x1 is red x1 is red/crimson/ruddy [color adjective].
xurdo x1 is Urdu in aspect x2 x1 reflects Urdu language/culture/nationality in aspect x2.
xusra x1 claims that x2 is true x1 (agent) asserts/claims/declares x2 (du'u) is true [can be used for epistemology of authority].
xutla x1 is smooth x1 is smooth/even/[soft/silky] in texture/regularity.

Created by donri. Last Modification: Tuesday 17 of November, 2009 19:25:45 GMT by donri.