
Proposed Definition of zo'oi

zo'oi (ZOI)
1-word non-lojban quote or acronym implicitly delimited by whitespace or pauses. May contain non-letter symbols other than the dot.


The requirement of delimiters with {zoi} becomes excessively tedious in both writing and speaking, when the quoted text is only one word or acronym, e.g. when talking about foreign language vocabulary, or in a text peppered with acronyms of e.g. international organizations. It seems desirable to have a means of abbreviation in these cases.


zo'oi green (or zo'oi .green.)
zo'oi light-blue
zo'oi WHO
zo'oi AC/DC
zo'oi ĵaŭdo
zo'oi любов
zo'oi æ„›

Created by feliks. Last Modification: Wednesday 22 of December, 2010 16:25:44 GMT by feliks.