Starts a discursive (metalinguistic) bridi used to express the speaker's state, opinion or beliefs about the surrounding sentence(s). In particular, it can be used to indicate who the speaker of a quoted text is. The cmavo sa'a or sa'anai can be added to indicate that the sei-expression is an insertion or part of a verbatim quote respectively. The discursive bridi can't have trailing sumti unless linked to the selbri with BE/BEI/BEhO.
See Also
discursive bridi
.i ku'i fe'e mo'a roi trene sei mi zo roi kelci pilno
But there are trains in too few places (to use "roi" playfully).
.i lu ko jgari be cy. sisti sei ko'a cusku li'u
Let go of him, he said.
se'u (SEhU)
se'u (SEhU)
Terminator for SEI and SOI.
See Also
lo ve skina cu sei la tsani cu jinvi se'u jai te finti lo skina
The audience —thinks Sky— is the purpose for which are made movies.
to (TO)
to (TO)
Indicates the start of a parenthetical remark which must be grammatical Lojban text.
See Also
start parenthesis
.i ba bo lo fengu voksa to be la ractu toi co'e lu ju'i .pat. ju'i .pat. do ma zvati li'u
Next came an angry voicethe Rabbit's'Pat! Pat! Where are you?'
to'i (TO)
to'i (TO)
Indicates the start of an editorial remark which must be grammatical Lojban text. Equivalent to {to sa'a}.
See Also
editorial unquote
lu .ei do ckeji sei la .alis. cusku .i do barda nixli to'i ju'o drani toi .i .i'e nai ca'o tai klaku .i .e'i ko ca sisti li'u
'You ought to be ashamed of yourself,' said Alice, 'a great girl like you,' (she might well say this), 'to go on crying in this way! Stop this moment, I tell you!'
toi (TOI)
toi (TOI)
Terminator for TO. Used to end an parenthetical or editorial remark.
See Also
end parenthesis
.i do doi la .aisas. to ma .au dai do mi cmene toi ckire la vensa bau la glibau ki'u ma
You, Aisas (how do you want me to call you?), thank Springtime in English for what reason?
TOI is currently seldom elidable. I believe that currently it is only elidable at the end of text. It is the belief of .xorxes., me, and possibly others that it should never be elidable. - .aionys.
TOI is elidible in lots of places. It's rather easy to come up with examples such as mi klama to zo'o gi'e stali or mi to mi tatpi cu surla. --selpa'i