History: BPFK Section: Intervals

Preview of version: 9

cmavo bi'i (BIhI)

Proposed Definition

Non-logical interval connective. Joins two values. The resulting expression refers to an unordered interval between the two values.

Proposed Tag

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • between

Usage Examples

-stidi le nu zo no bi'i zo vai basti loi namcu bu

-.i namcu bu ki'a

-.i namcu lerfu pe'i

-la'edi'u drani

-suggest that zero through F be substituted for the number signs

-number signs?

-I think he meant "digits"

-that's right

la firgrup. sujgri lu'i li no bi'i ci le kaxycauvlina
"The Viergruppe is a group on the set 0..3 with exclusive-or as the operation."

ni'oni'o di'e valsi co se cusku la moces. ro la .isra,EL. ze'o la .iarDEN. ne'i le xa'urcau po'u la .araVAT. te'e la suf. bu'u la paRAN. bi'i ke la toFEL. joi la lyVAN. joi la xatseROT. joi la diza'AV.
"These are the words which Moses said to all Israel beyond the Jordan in the uninhabited area which is Aravah on the border of Suph between Pa'ran and Tophel, Lavan, Chatserot, and Di Zahav."



cmavo bi'o (BIhI)

Proposed Definition

ordered interval — non-logical interval connective: ordered from ... to ... --

Proposed Tag

See Also

Proposed Keywords

  • from ... to

Usage Examples

di'e pagbu la'elu lei xelso ranmi li'u pefi'e la nikos.tsiforos. noi xelso xamfinti je pilno be le no'e jikri'i skutra bei lenu larsku zi'ene la 1900nan bi'o la 1970nan
"This is part of "Greek Myths" by Nikos Tsiforos, a Greek humorist and slang devotee from 1900 to 1970."

mi ca'o la 1999nan. bi'o la 2001nan. se jibri vi le merko
"From 1999 to 2001 I had a job in America."

tcacyselsku fa lu la mrfis. bi'o la MANti,on li'u noi se smuni lu le cmana bi'o le xamsi li'u
"The saying is 'From Murphy to Manteo', which means 'From the mountain to the sea'."



cmavo mi'i (BIhI)

Proposed Definition

center-range — non-logical interval connective: ordered components: ... center, ... range surrounding center --

Proposed Tag

See Also

Proposed Keywords

Usage Examples

le bamjakne ba darxi la moskov. mi'i lo ki'otre be li panono
"The missile will hit within 100 kilometers of Moscow."

le teilr. zei sujypoi pe lo dugri fancu cu jbize'a ve'a li pa ga'omi'i pa
"The Taylor series of the logarithm function converges within 1 of 1, closed at the center."



cmavo ga'o (GAhO)

Proposed Definition

Inclusive interval. When used before bi'o or bi'i, it indicates that the beginning of the interval is closed. When used after bi'o or bi'i, it indicates that the end of the interval is closed. When used before mi'i, it indicates that the center of the interval is closed. When used after mi'i, it indicates that the outside of the interval is closed.

Proposed Tag

See Also

Proposed Keywords

Usage Examples

.u'i mi pu zi krixa le ka gerku ga'o le mi mlatu

Yay, I just yelled out like a dog or my cat.

(I have no idea if this is correct, this is the only usage I could find.)



cmavo ke'i (GAhO)

Proposed Definition

exclusive interval — open interval bracket marker; modifies intervals in non-logical connectives; exclude boundaries --

Proposed Tag

See Also

Proposed Keywords

Usage Examples

mi ciska lu abu sy li'u le xy ke'i bi'i ke'i le obu

ke'i lenu mi cilre fo la velcli befi la lojban. bei loi co'a cilre cu mulno .ije mi ca'oca troci lenu mi jimpe la lojban.

mi citka lo ke clani je desku je pelxu ke'i cidja

(Unable to translate! -Lindar)



Proposed grammar changes

In the PEG grammar, replace the line

joik <- SE-clause? JOI-clause NAI-clause? / interval / GAhO-clause interval GAhO-clause

with the line

joik <- SE-clause? JOI-clause NAI-clause? / interval / GAhO-clause interval / interval GAhO-clause / GAhO-clause interval GAhO-clause

A joik cannot be immediately followed by another joik, so a sequence "BIhI GAhO BIhI" cannot occur, so determining to which BIhI a GAhO belongs does not depend on the order in this line.

General Section Notes

BIhI may be used with only one GAhO next to it; this indicates that one end of the interval is closed or open, but says nothing about the other end. The Taylor series mentioned above diverges at 0, but converges at all other points on the boundary of the disk of convergence; thus the outside is neither closed nor open.

The definition of GAhO with mi'i differs from that in CLL, but there appears to be no prior usage of GAhO with mi'i.

Allowing BIhI with only one GAhO is a change in the grammar. Since GAhO is used only with BIhI, and no GAhO BIhI GAhO may be followed immediately by another GAhO BIhI GAhO, this introduces no new ambiguity.

Interval or Point?

There is a question whether abu bi'i by denotes the interval a..b or some point in the interval. Here are some examples, showing which way it has been used:

lo kanla be lo remna cu viska loi gusni poi boxna folo navytre beli 400 bi'i li 800
"The human eye can see light of wavelength between 400 and 800 nanometers."

Wikipedia [[gusni]]


le trucerda be fi ty. ba'orgau le se sornaitru la madjarorsag. bi'i la jugygug.
"His successors expanded the empire from Hungary to China."

Wikipedia [[tcingis xan]]


le critu dorduncte cu cabna le 22 bi'i 24 moi be le xlima'i
"The autumnal equinox occurs between the 22nd and the 24th of September."

Wikipedia [[dorduncte]]


pamoi mitre fo piki'oki'opa lo jedji'o bi'i lo mijycukla
"The first standard for the meter was one ten-millionth of the distance between the pole and the equator."

Wikipedia [[treci'e]]


la sangug. stici la spetsias. bi'i la riminis.
"Spain is west of the La Spezia-Rimini line."

Wikipedia [[sanban]]


pa jijyjutsi po'u la'o ly. Toona .ly. kuspe lo norgla jugygu'e bi'i lo nanstuna sralygu'e
"One genus, Toona, ranges from temperate China to southeast Australia."

Wikipedia [[spatrmeliace]]


la'aru'e lo skalduna cu stali la .auskalerik ca'o le nu lo remna be la kromanion. cu basti lo remna be la neANdertal. kei bi'o le cabna
"Possibly, Basques have been in Basque Country from the time Cro-Magnon Man replaced Neanderthal Man until now."

Wikipedia [[skalduna]]


srana lo tolci'o glibau noi pu renvi de'i li ji'i 0450 bi'o ji'i 1066
"About Old English, which lasted from about 450 to about 1066"

ko'e cu se banta'a co cabna lo tolci'o berdo'obau noi jibni ko'e lo ka ckini zi'e noi bangu lai vikingr. poi ke'a lo gligu'e de'i li 0790 bi'o ji'i 1040 gunta ce'o co'arxabju
"It was spoken at the same time as Old Norse, which is closely related and was spoken by the Vikings, who from 790 to 1040 attacked and then occupied England."

srana lo midju glibau noi pu renvi de'i li ji'i 1066 bi'o ji'i 1500
"About Middle English, which lasted from about 1066 to about 1500."

lo gligu'e cu jamna lo fasygu'e soi vo'a vo'e de'i li 1202 bi'o 1214
"England warred France and vice versa from 1202 to 1214."

srana lo purci ke cabna glibau noi pu renvi de'i li ji'i 1500 bi'o ji'i 1650
"About Early Modern English, which lasted from about 1500 to about 1650."

lo glico vlasrocku pe la oksford ge'u noi ke mulno je tcilykai ke'e pe'a pixra be ro glico valsi be ze'u lo ri citri cu se finti de'i li 1858 bi'o 1928
"The Oxford English Dictionary, a complete and detailed picture of all English words throughout their history, was authored from 1858 to 1928."

Wikipedia [[citri lo glibau]]

all intervals

by fy nitcu lo remna poi milxe bi'o banli to pa mai toi certu la lojban
"BF needs people who are slightly to greatly (firstly) expert in Lojban."




Information Version
Fri 22 of Aug, 2014 10:24 GMT Ilmen from Adding {} to word links. 35
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:24 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 34
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:20 GMT selpa'i from 33
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:18 GMT selpa'i from 32
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:17 GMT selpa'i from 31
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:17 GMT selpa'i from 30
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:15 GMT selpa'i from 29
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:13 GMT selpa'i from 28
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:12 GMT selpa'i from 27
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:10 GMT selpa'i from 26
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:08 GMT selpa'i from Added clearer examples 25
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:04 GMT selpa'i from 24
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:03 GMT selpa'i from 23
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 21:00 GMT selpa'i from 22
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:58 GMT selpa'i from 21
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:56 GMT selpa'i from 20
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:53 GMT selpa'i from 19
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:48 GMT selpa'i from 18
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:45 GMT selpa'i from 17
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:44 GMT selpa'i from 16
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:43 GMT selpa'i from 15
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:37 GMT selpa'i from 14
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:34 GMT selpa'i from 13
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:33 GMT selpa'i from 12
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:32 GMT selpa'i from 11
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:30 GMT selpa'i from 10
Mon 09 of Jun, 2014 20:25 GMT selpa'i from 9
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:29 GMT mukti from 8
Fri 15 of Oct, 2010 11:21 GMT lindarthebard from 7
Wed 08 of Sep, 2010 07:46 GMT eyeonus from 6
Thu 24 of May, 2007 14:36 GMT PierreAbbat from PEG grammar change 5
Thu 19 of Jan, 2006 16:37 GMT PierreAbbat from interval or point? 4
Thu 07 of Jul, 2005 13:04 GMT PierreAbbat from mi'i examples, notes, impact 3
Thu 07 of Jul, 2005 09:23 GMT PierreAbbat from add examples 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:42 GMT rlpowell from 1