History: BPFK Section: MEX

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Proposed Definitions And Examples

cmavo: bi'e (BIhE)

Proposed Definition

Indicates an operator has precedence over unmarked operators. When an operator is prefixed with this cmavo, it becomes automatically of higher precedence than other operators not so prefixed. If more than one operator has a bi'e prefix, grouping is to the right; multiple bi'e prefixes on a single operator are not allowed.

Proposed Keywords

  • High priority operator
  • Precedence operator

Usage Examples

li ci su'i vo bi'e pi'i mu du li reci
3 + (4 × 5) = 23 (CLL, 18.5.9)


This is distinct from the use of mathematical brackets {vei} and {ve'o}.

cmavo: fu'a (FUhA)

Proposed Definition

Marks the mekso expression as using Reverse Polish (RP) notation. RP notation is always marked by an explicit fu'a at the beginning of the expression. Operators acting in RP are required to have two operands (though {tu'o} and {ge'a} can assist when using unitary and ternary operators respectively).

Proposed Keywords

  • Reverse Polish Flag

See also

  • {pe'o} Forethought operator flag
  • {tu'o} Null operand
  • {ge'a} Null operator

Usage Examples

li fu'a reboi ci su'i du li mu
(RP) (2 3 +) = 5 (CLL, 18.16.1)
li fu'a reboi ci pi'i voboi mu pi'i su'i du li rexa
(RP) (2 3 x) (4 5 x) + = 26 (CLL, 18.16.2)
li fu'a ciboi muboi vu'u du li fu'a reboi tu'o va'a
(RP) (3 5 -) = (RP) (2 null) negative (CLL, 18.16.3)
li cinoki'oki'o du li fu'a biboi ciboi panoboi ge'a gei
30,000,000 = (RP) 8 (3 10 null) exp (CLL, 18.16.4)


It seems quite arbitrary that operators acting in reverse polish notation are required to have exactly 2 operands. Especially considering that in polish notation, operators are allowed to have as many operands as they like. It does not make semantic sense for all operators (for example the negation operator, used in the example usage above) Though there is a problem in determining which operands belong to which operator, and the solution currently is quite elegant for usage, it lacks symmetry with forethought equivalent and seems contrived. I'm working on a better way, talk to me if you're interested in this problem (Ross Ogilvie, 15/5/10)

cmavo: jo'i (JOhI)

Proposed Definition

Joins a sequence of simple operands or bracketed full expressions into a vector. A vector may have any number of components. It's corresponding terminator {te'u} is elidable.

Proposed Keywords

  • Vector flag

See also

  • {te'u} Mekso terminator for NAhU, NIhE, MOhE, MAhO, and JOhI

Usage Examples

li jo'i paboi reboi te'u su'i jo'i ciboi voboi du li jo'i voboi xaboi
vector (1, 2) + vector (3, 4) = vector (4, 6) (CLL, 18.15.1)


It is the only member of selma'o JOhI

cmavo: ku'e (KUhE)

Proposed Definition

This is the elidable terminator of operators when they are acting in forethought mode. It serves to distinguish where the operands of one operator end and another begin.

Proposed Keywords

  • Forethought operator terminator

See Also

  • {pe'o} Forethought operator flag

Usage Examples

li py. su'i va'a ny. ku'e su'i zy du li xy.
p + (negative n) + z = x (CLL, 18.6.2)

cmavo: ma'o (MAhO)

Proposed Defintion

This flag converts letteral string or other mathematical expression (mex) operand into a mex operator. Its elidable terminator is {te'u}.

Proposed Keywords

  • Operand to Operator flag

Usage Examples

li zy du li ma'o fy.boi xy.
z = f(x) (CLL, 18.6.3)


The CLL has the following observation: There is a potential semantic ambiguity in ma'o fy. [te'u] if fy. is already in use as a variable: it comes to mean "the function whose value is always 'f' ". However, mathematicians do not normally use the same lerfu words or strings as both functions and variables, so this case should not arise in practice.

cmavo: mo'e (MOhE)

Proposed Definition

Converts a sumti to a mex operand. Intended to allow dimensions to be embedding into mex expressions. It is also used for "folk quantifiers", also known as collective nouns. It precedes the sumti. Its elidible terminator is {te'u}.

See Also

  • {na'u} Selbri to operator
  • {ni'e} Selbri to operand

Proposed Keywords

  • Sumti to mex operand

Usage Examples

li mo'e re ratcu su'i mo'e re ractu du li mo'e vo danlu
(2 rats) + (2 rats) = (4 animals) (CLL, 18.18.3)
mi viska vei mo'e lo'e lanzu ve'o cinfo
I see (a typical family) of lions (CLL, 18.18.4)
I see a pride of lions

cmavo: na'u (NAhU)

Proposed Definition

The cmavo "na'u" makes a selbri into an operator. In general, the first place of the selbri specifies the result of the operator, and the other unfilled places specify the operands. Its elidible terminator is {te'u}. It is also used to construct questions about operators.

See Also

  • {ni'e} selbri to operand
  • {mo'e} sumti to operand
  • {te'u} terminator

Proposed Keywords

  • selbri to operator

Usage Examples

li na'u tanjo te'u vei pai fe'i vo [ve'o] du li pa
tan ( pi / 4 ) = 1 (similar to CLL, 18.18.1)
li re na'u mo re du li vo
2 what-operator? 2 = 4 (CLL, 18.19.4)


This comment applies exclusively to CLL example 18.18.1. I'm not sure if it therefore belongs here. The CLL example of this seems to be needlessly complicated (using the value of pi/2 where the function is undefined). I've changed the example here slightly to avoid any disputes about validity.

cmavo: ni'e (NIhE)

Proposed Definition

The cmavo "ni'e" makes a selbri into an operand. The x1 place of the selbri generally represents a number, and therefore is often a ``ni'' abstraction. The "ni'e" makes that number available as a mekso operand. A common application is to make equations relating pure dimensions.

Proposed Keywords

  • selbri to operand

See Also

  • {na'u} selbri to operator
  • {mo'e} sumti to operand

Usage Examples

li ni'e ni clani [te'u] pi'i ni'e ni ganra [te'u] pi'i ni'e ni condi te'u du li ni'e ni canlu
Length x Width x Depth = Volume (CLL 18.18.2)

Proposed Definition of nu'a

nu'a (NUhA)
operator to selbri — convert mathematical expression (mex) operator to a selbri/tanru component --
    • Keywords:

Examples of nu'a Usage

Proposed Definition of pe'o

pe'o (PEhO)
fore mex operator — forethought flag for mathematical expression (mex) Polish (forethought) operator --
    • Keywords:

Examples of pe'o Usage

Proposed Definition of te'u

te'u (TEhU)
end mex converters — elidable terminator: end conversion between non-mex and mex; usually elidable --
    • Keywords:

Examples of te'u Usage

Proposed Definition of vei

vei (VEI)
left bracket — left (opening) mathematical bracket/parenthesis --
    • Keywords: open paren (programming lingo version)

Examples of vei Usage

  • li ny. du li ni'igi vei re su'i re {ve'o} gi vo
  • vei ci .a vo {ve'o} prenu cu klama le zarci
  • vei ga ci gi vo {ve'o} prenu cu klama le zarci

Proposed Definition of ve'o

ve'o (VEhO)
right bracket — right (closing) mathematical bracket/parenthesis --
    • Keywords: close paren (programming lingo version)

Examples of ve'o Usage

  • li te'o te'a {vei} pai pi'i ka'o ve'o su'i pa du li no
  • li ma'o i bu boi te'u {vei} xy pi'i ny ve'o ku'e na'u du de'o re vei ny te'a ci
  • fy du li cire su'i {vei} cy pi'i so fi'u mu ve'o


  • ve'o is an elidable terminator
  • vei and ve'o are necessary for any non-simple mekso used as a quantifier



Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 14:55 GMT Ilmen from Formatting 84
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 14:46 GMT Ilmen from Template 83
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 14:40 GMT Ilmen from Adding "See Also" sections 82
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:30 GMT mukti from 81
Tue 20 of May, 2014 01:53 GMT RossOgilvie from Issue was partly off topic. 80
Fri 28 of Jan, 2011 09:59 GMT RossOgilvie from 79
Fri 14 of Jan, 2011 12:07 GMT RossOgilvie from fixed translation 78
Fri 14 of Jan, 2011 11:38 GMT RossOgilvie from typo 77
Sat 06 of Nov, 2010 11:35 GMT RossOgilvie from 76
Thu 04 of Nov, 2010 15:30 GMT RossOgilvie from 75
Thu 04 of Nov, 2010 15:26 GMT RossOgilvie from 74
Thu 04 of Nov, 2010 15:19 GMT RossOgilvie from slandering nu'a 73
Tue 19 of Oct, 2010 01:17 GMT lindarthebard from 72
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 11:56 GMT RossOgilvie from 71
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 11:18 GMT RossOgilvie from 70
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:50 GMT RossOgilvie from 69
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:23 GMT RossOgilvie from 68
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:22 GMT RossOgilvie from 67
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:19 GMT RossOgilvie from 66
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:16 GMT RossOgilvie from 65
Wed 16 of Jun, 2010 08:03 GMT RossOgilvie from 64
Thu 10 of Jun, 2010 06:22 GMT RossOgilvie from 63
Thu 10 of Jun, 2010 06:16 GMT RossOgilvie from 62
Thu 10 of Jun, 2010 05:44 GMT RossOgilvie from 61
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:13 GMT RossOgilvie from 60
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:13 GMT RossOgilvie from 59
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:12 GMT RossOgilvie from 58
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:10 GMT RossOgilvie from 57
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:07 GMT RossOgilvie from 56
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:07 GMT RossOgilvie from 55
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:04 GMT RossOgilvie from 54
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 10:01 GMT RossOgilvie from 53
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 09:57 GMT RossOgilvie from 52
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 09:56 GMT RossOgilvie from 51
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 09:52 GMT RossOgilvie from 50
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 09:07 GMT RossOgilvie from 49
Wed 09 of Jun, 2010 08:44 GMT RossOgilvie from 48
Mon 31 of May, 2010 13:19 GMT RossOgilvie from 47
Mon 24 of May, 2010 02:45 GMT RossOgilvie from 46
Mon 24 of May, 2010 02:27 GMT RossOgilvie from 45
Mon 24 of May, 2010 02:18 GMT RossOgilvie from 44
Sat 15 of May, 2010 07:42 GMT RossOgilvie from 43
Sat 15 of May, 2010 07:42 GMT RossOgilvie from 42
Sat 15 of May, 2010 06:51 GMT RossOgilvie from 41
Sat 15 of May, 2010 06:16 GMT RossOgilvie from 40
Sat 15 of May, 2010 06:16 GMT RossOgilvie from 39
Thu 13 of May, 2010 00:56 GMT RossOgilvie from 38
Thu 13 of May, 2010 00:40 GMT RossOgilvie from 37
Thu 13 of May, 2010 00:39 GMT RossOgilvie from 36
Thu 13 of May, 2010 00:39 GMT RossOgilvie from Changed how I was referring to CLL examples 35
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