History: BPFK Section: Numeric Tense

Preview of version: 2

ROI has two members: re'u and roi.

This is only a very preliminary draft.

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of ci'iroi

ci'iroi (ROI*)
infinite times — tense interval modifier: occurs infinite times, eternally; objective tense; defaults as time --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ci'iroi Usage

Proposed Definition of ciroi

ciroi (ROI*)
thrice — tense interval modifier: thrice; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of ciroi Usage

Proposed Definition of du'eroi

du'eroi (ROI*)
too many times — tense interval modifier: too many times objective tense, defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of du'eroi Usage

Proposed Definition of fe'enoroi

fe'enoroi (ROI*)
nowhere — location tense interval modifier: never in space; objectively quantified tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fe'enoroi Usage

Proposed Definition of fe'eroroi

fe'eroroi (ROI*)
everywhere — location tense interval modifier: always in space; objectively quantified tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of fe'eroroi Usage

Proposed Definition of mo'aroi

mo'aroi (ROI*)
too few times — tense interval modifier: too few times; objective tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of mo'aroi Usage

Proposed Definition of noroi

noroi (ROI*)
never — tense interval modifier: never; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of noroi Usage

Proposed Definition of paroi

paroi (ROI*)
once — tense interval modifier: once; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of paroi Usage

Proposed Definition of piso'iroi

piso'iroi (ROI*)
much of the time — tense interval modifier: often; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of piso'iroi Usage

Proposed Definition of piso'uroi

piso'uroi (ROI*)
rarely — tense interval modifier: rarely; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of piso'uroi Usage

Proposed Definition of re'u

re'u (ROI)
ordinal tense — converts number to an objectively quantified ordinal tense interval modifier; defaults to time --
    • Keywords:

Examples of re'u Usage

Proposed Definition of reroi

reroi (ROI*)
twice — tense interval modifier; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of reroi Usage

Proposed Definition of roi

roi (ROI)
quantified tense — converts number to an objectively quantified tense interval modifier; defaults to time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of roi Usage

Proposed Definition of roroi

roroi (ROI*)
always — tense interval modifier: always; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of roroi Usage

Proposed Definition of so'eroi

so'eroi (ROI*)
usually — tense interval modifier: usually; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of so'eroi Usage

Proposed Definition of so'iroi

so'iroi (ROI*)
many times — tense interval modifier: many times; objective tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of so'iroi Usage

Proposed Definition of so'uroi

so'uroi (ROI*)
a few times — tense interval modifier: a few times; objective tense; defaults as time tense --
    • Keywords:

Examples of so'uroi Usage




Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:15 GMT Ilmen from 28
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:15 GMT Ilmen from Fixing the proposed formal definition. 27
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:13 GMT Ilmen from Adding an alternative proposed formal definition. 26
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:09 GMT Ilmen from Adding a word link. 25
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:08 GMT Ilmen from Adding a word link. 24
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:13 GMT mukti from 23
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 14:05 GMT Ilmen from Minor formatting 22
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:44 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 21
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:36 GMT selpa'i from 20
Fri 30 of May, 2014 12:03 GMT selpa'i from added proposed tag for roi 19
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:58 GMT selpa'i from improved and new examples 18
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:52 GMT selpa'i from 17
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:51 GMT selpa'i from 16
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:49 GMT selpa'i from improved and new examples 15
Thu 23 of Dec, 2010 11:18 GMT lindarthebard from 14
Wed 10 of Nov, 2010 23:06 GMT rlpowell from 13
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:11 GMT eyeonus from 12
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 07:10 GMT eyeonus from 11
Sun 03 of Feb, 2008 16:08 GMT arj from Section completed, barring objections 10
Sun 03 of Jun, 2007 22:12 GMT arj from definitions and examples 9
Sun 03 of Jun, 2007 21:52 GMT arj from Some reorganisation 8
Tue 10 of Apr, 2007 21:20 GMT arj from More notes 7
Tue 10 of Apr, 2007 19:56 GMT arj from 6
Sat 31 of Mar, 2007 17:25 GMT arj from 5
Fri 30 of Mar, 2007 18:09 GMT arj from 4
Fri 20 of Jan, 2006 22:31 GMT arj from Removed all cmavo compounds because they are compositional. 3
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:41 GMT rlpowell from 2
Fri 30 of Jul, 2004 16:08 GMT arj from 1