History: BPFK Section: Numeric Tense

Preview of version: 27

cmavo: re'u (ROI)

Proposed Definition

Ordinal tense. Converts a number to an objectively quantified ordinal tense interval modifier, indicating that the event takes place for the n-th time. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the interval in which the repetitions occur.

Proposed Tag

fi'o jai ze'a krefu be fi li number

See Also

  • {roi}
  • {krefu}

Proposed Keywords

  • for the nth time.

Usage Examples

.i mi re re'u troci lo ka co'a sipna
For the second time, I try to fall asleep.

.a'o do pu zi ro re'u darxi lo mensi be do
I hope this was the last time you hit your sister.

mi pa re'u lo mi nunji'e cu prane lo ka gleki
For the first time in my life I am perfectly happy.


  • http://nuzban.wiw.org/archive/9612/msg00006.html
    • Summary: re'u is semantically related to the ZAhO series, in that it specifies a phase of the event. (This discussion is suggestive of calling re'u an aspect, and not a tense.)
  • re'u (Lojban wiki page)
    • Summary: za'u re'u means "not for the first time", so it could be used for some senses of "again".


cmavo: roi (ROI)

Proposed Definition

Quantified tense. Converts a number to an objectively quantified tense interval modifier, indicating that the event takes place n times. When tagging a sumti, the sumti specifies the interval in which the repetitions occur.

Proposed Tag

ca number da poi ke'a cabna sumti

/ fi'o jai ze'a rapli be li number

See Also

  • {re'u}
  • {rapli}

Proposed Keywords

  • times
  • n times

Usage Examples

mi so'i roi citka lo xarju rectu
I eat pork many times.

mi no roi tcidu fi lo nuzykarni
I never read newspapers.

mi curmi lo nu do pilno lo skami pa roi ro zeldei
I allow you to use the computer once each Sunday.


  • http://www.lojban.org/lists/jboske/msg00218.html
    • Summary: ROI is a sumti tcita, too. The sumti specifies which time interval the repetitions occur.
    • Here, Robin agrees.


General Section Issues

By convention, tagged sumti without quantification (the new definition of lo dispenses with the notion of implicit quantification) are taken to refer to single instances. E.g. mu roi lo cacra is taken to mean "five times per hour".

The meaning of tagged sumti with ROI, previously undescribed, has been explicitly laid out.

mi djica lo panre be zo si'e poi srana lo temci

.i zo roi cu te kancu gi'e nai parbi .i mi djica lo nu cusku le
parbi da poi gasnu vau le srana temci


BPFK poll: Numeric Tense ROI
  • I agree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
  • I disagree with the current contents of this BPFK Section
View Results
(Votes: 4)


Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:15 GMT Ilmen from 28
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:15 GMT Ilmen from Fixing the proposed formal definition. 27
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:13 GMT Ilmen from Adding an alternative proposed formal definition. 26
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:09 GMT Ilmen from Adding a word link. 25
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:08 GMT Ilmen from Adding a word link. 24
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:13 GMT mukti from 23
Sat 07 of Jun, 2014 14:05 GMT Ilmen from Minor formatting 22
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:44 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 21
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:36 GMT selpa'i from 20
Fri 30 of May, 2014 12:03 GMT selpa'i from added proposed tag for roi 19
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:58 GMT selpa'i from improved and new examples 18
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:52 GMT selpa'i from 17
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:51 GMT selpa'i from 16
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:49 GMT selpa'i from improved and new examples 15
Thu 23 of Dec, 2010 11:18 GMT lindarthebard from 14
Wed 10 of Nov, 2010 23:06 GMT rlpowell from 13
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:11 GMT eyeonus from 12
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 07:10 GMT eyeonus from 11
Sun 03 of Feb, 2008 16:08 GMT arj from Section completed, barring objections 10
Sun 03 of Jun, 2007 22:12 GMT arj from definitions and examples 9
Sun 03 of Jun, 2007 21:52 GMT arj from Some reorganisation 8
Tue 10 of Apr, 2007 21:20 GMT arj from More notes 7
Tue 10 of Apr, 2007 19:56 GMT arj from 6
Sat 31 of Mar, 2007 17:25 GMT arj from 5
Fri 30 of Mar, 2007 18:09 GMT arj from 4
Fri 20 of Jan, 2006 22:31 GMT arj from Removed all cmavo compounds because they are compositional. 3
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:41 GMT rlpowell from 2
Fri 30 of Jul, 2004 16:08 GMT arj from 1