History: BPFK Section: Tense Interval

Preview of version: 6

Proposed Definitions And Examples

Proposed Definition of di'i

di'i (TAhE)
regularly — A subjective time tense modifier indicating a regular interval.
    • Keywords: "regularly" "steadily"

Examples of di'i Usage

.i ku'i mi di'i malsenva .oi
However, I regularly have crappy dreams... ugh.

Proposed Definition of di'inai

di'inai (TAhE*)
irregularly — A subjective time tense modifier indicating an irregular interval.
    • Keywords: "irregularly" "sporatically"

Examples of di'inai Usage

mi di'i nai cusku .i ku'i no da cusku lo se cinri se spuda
I speak irregularly, but nobody says anything interesting to which I would respond.
(I'm sorry, I fail at translating this.)

Proposed Definition of na'o

na'o (TAhE)
typically — A subjective time tense modifier indicating a typical interval.
    • Keywords: "typically" "ordinarily" "usually"

Examples of na'o Usage

.i a'u mi na'o nelci lo skefi'a
(With interest:) I typically like science-fiction.

.i xu do na'o djica le nu sorpa'i
Do you typically desire polyamity?

.i ta'o mi na'o se cmene zo teneb .a zo tenen lo jbopre
By the way, I am typically called "teneb" or "tenen" by Lojbanists.

Proposed Definition of na'onai

na'onai (TAhE*)
atypically — A subjective time tense modifier indicating an atypical interval.
    • Keywords: "Oddly" "unusually" "atypically"

Examples of na'onai Usage

.i mi na'o nai birti
I'm typically unsure.
(Literally "I'm atypically sure.", but this doesn't seem to convey the same meaning in English.)

Proposed Definition of ru'i

ru'i (TAhE)
continuously — A subjective time tense modifier indicating a continuous interval.
    • Keywords: "continuously" "over and over" "all the time"

Examples of ru'i Usage

.i.oi lo li'i mi ru'i cilre fi la lojban. ku se jalge lo nu mi ru'i jdika lo ka mi glico certu
Ugh! Constantly teaching Lojban is what's causing my continuous decline in English proficiency.

Proposed Definition of ru'inai

ru'inai (TAhE*)
occasionally — A subjective time tense modifier indicating an occasional interval.
    • Keywords: "occasionally" "now and then" "once and a while" "from time to time" "sometimes"

Examples of ru'inai Usage

.i mi ru'i nai je'u jundi
Truthfully, I'm occasionally paying attention.
(Needs a better translation.)

Proposed Definition of ta'e

ta'e (TAhE)
habitually — A subjective time tense modifier indicating a habitual interval.
    • Keywords: "habitually" "habit" "out of habit"

Examples of ta'e Usage

Proposed Definition of ta'enai

.i .ai mi ba ta'e vreji minji lojbo bo bacru ca le nu cadzu
I intend to habitually record my blatherings during my walks.
(This one was difficult to translate directly, so this is extremely glossed.)

ta'enai (TAhE*)
non-habitually — A subjective time tense modifier indicating a non-habitual interval.
    • Keywords: "non-habitually"

Examples of ta'enai Usage

.i mi ta'e nai na'e morji fi le selsne be mi gi'a na senva
I'm not in the habit of misremembering my dreams or not dreaming at all.


The question has been brought up, "What do these mean as tcita?". Our best guess so far has been the time during which the interval takes place. {.i broda ta'e lo brode} is {.i ta'e broda ca lo brode} (best I can explain). Note, this has actually NOT been covered in CLL. It does not state in Chapter 10, nor anywhere else in the book that I've found, that TAhE can actually be used as a tcita (it can, says machine grammar) or what it means semantically. - lindar



Information Version
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 15:26 GMT Ilmen from Modifying the formal definition. 31
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:02 GMT Ilmen from Fixing the proposed formal definition. 30
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 10:01 GMT Ilmen from Adding the proposed formal definition. 29
Thu 21 of Aug, 2014 09:59 GMT Ilmen from Adding the proposed formal definition. 28
Sun 08 of Jun, 2014 19:22 GMT mukti from 27
Sat 31 of May, 2014 21:43 GMT selpa'i from 26
Sat 31 of May, 2014 21:40 GMT selpa'i from 25
Sat 31 of May, 2014 21:38 GMT selpa'i from 24
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:48 GMT selpa'i from 23
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:42 GMT selpa'i from Added poll 22
Sat 31 of May, 2014 18:24 GMT selpa'i from 21
Sat 31 of May, 2014 17:36 GMT selpa'i from major overhaul 20
Sat 31 of May, 2014 17:14 GMT selpa'i from 19
Fri 30 of May, 2014 11:43 GMT selpa'i from 18
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:40 GMT selpa'i from 17
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:23 GMT selpa'i from 16
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:20 GMT selpa'i from 15
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:13 GMT selpa'i from Box Plugin modified by editor. 14
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:05 GMT selpa'i from 13
Thu 29 of May, 2014 16:02 GMT selpa'i from 12
Thu 29 of May, 2014 15:58 GMT selpa'i from 11
Thu 29 of May, 2014 15:51 GMT selpa'i from 10
Thu 29 of May, 2014 15:20 GMT selpa'i from 9
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 08:10 GMT eyeonus from 8
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 07:00 GMT eyeonus from 7
Mon 21 of Jun, 2010 06:47 GMT lindarthebard from 6
Mon 21 of Jun, 2010 03:45 GMT lindarthebard from 5
Mon 21 of Jun, 2010 03:37 GMT lindarthebard from 4
Mon 21 of Jun, 2010 03:33 GMT lindarthebard from 3
Mon 21 of Jun, 2010 02:32 GMT lindarthebard from 2
Wed 17 of Nov, 2004 02:39 GMT rlpowell from 1