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History: LojbanAphorisms
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*The Price of Infinite Precision Is Infinite Verbosity __lo cimni ka satci cu se jdima lo cimni ni valsi__ **Originally by ((Jeff Prothero)) (as mentioned in [http://balance.wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9102/msg00005.html),] popularised by ((John Cowan)) (e.g. [http://balance.wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9107/msg00095.html).] Lojban version by John Cowan: [http://wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9206/msg00007.html **(''gu'o] cimni satci gi cimni vlalai'' seems more ''((lobykai))''.) But completely misses the point of there being a penalty involved. **Invoking the ''kausku''/''stecysku'' distinction (see ((Notes Towards a Lojban Literary Criticism))): ''le stecysku za'o banzu''. *** Subtle. "Precision suffices for too long a time," referring indirectly to how many words it takes. *The Price of Infinite Freedom Is Infinite Misunderstanding __((leka cimni zifre cu se jdima leka cimni se toljimpe))__ ** Variant of the above, expressed (((hardliners|hardlinerly))) by Nick Nicholas on the Wiki (((Black Hole))), 2001-9-6. *If you want {English/A non-logical language}, you know where to find it __.i ganai do djica tu'a {le glibau/loi nalylogji bangu} gi do djuno ledu'u facki ri vi makau__ **A ((hardliners))' Lojban version of [http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/who/dmr/|Dennis Ritchie]'s dictum "[http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/jargon/html/entry/If-you-want-X-you-know-where-to-find-it..html|If you want PL/1, you know where to find it]". Popular in the hacker subculture, frequently appealed to especially during Lojban design. Sighted in [http://wiw.org/~jkominek/lojban/9501/msg00108.html.] Lojban version by ((Nick Nicholas)): ((The 17 Tallest Men)) *No one is perfect __da na prane prenu__ I would interpret {da na prane prenu} as "there exists an imperfect person", perhaps a better rendering would be {noda poi prenu cu prane}. **Then you have not read [http://www.lojban.org/files/reference-grammar/chap15.html|the negation chapter] properly. Your interpretation in fact fits ''da na'e prane prenu'' **Ah. Actually, I had. I apparently didn't remember it correctly though.__dapoi prane prenu zo'u da na zasti__ **'''no prane cu prenu''' Some may prefer this no-tanru version. ''mi'e ((jezrax))'' *The road of the good language is expensive.__le dargu pe lo xamgu bangu cu kargu__ *'''le nakni bakni cu bunre xunre''' (The bull is brownish red.) *__do klama le tamji le dejgi le cidni__ (You go round your elbow to get to your thumb.) *'''lo jbojbe ba jdice''' (from ((Native speakers)) '''Actually, it was around before that. ((Native Speakers)) was created to discuss its accuracy.''')The Lojban-born will decide. ** mi nelci le di'u ka sance .enai le di'u ka jitfa *'''le du'e ni te zukte kei le mo'a ni te snada cu nibli'''Too many goals means too few accomplishments. ** from ((introductory reader)) ** But that means "each of the too many amounts of action I have in mind entails each of the too few amounts of success", it says nothing about having too many goals. To say that having too many goals results in having too few accomplishments, ((xorxes|I)) suggest __lo'e nu zukte fi du'e da cu se jalge lo'e nu snada mo'a da__ ** ''du'e te zukte zo'u mo'a se snada'' (Cute, but not grammatical!) ''Why not? It results to du'e lo terzu'e zo'u mo'a lo selsnada. An utterance is fine without a selbri.'' I checked the grammar. Looks like the thing after a prenex must be a statement including a bridi-tail; fragments are not allowed. Pretty confusing to read, though; I got it wrong on the first try.... ''Odd. I would have expected a "sentence" after the zo'u, which I believe can include the trivial case of a single sumti.'' ** Tricky! ''lei du'e ni te zukte cu nibli lei mo'a ni se snada''The mass of (too many action-goals) entails the mass of (too few success-goals). (Relying on the non-veridicality of ''lei''. ((xorxes))'s version is precise. In fact, on consideration, it's much better than this one.) ** Again, that means "too many amounts of action...". How about ''du'e da te zukte zo'u mo'a da se snada''? ***Also ungrammatical. But ''du'e te zukte zo'u co'e mo'a se snada'' works. ** ''How do you get too many amounts of action? How do you interpret le ni terzu'e kei? Don't you interpret it as le ni ce'u terzu'e kei? I think it means too many amounts of goals.'' ***What are too many amounts of goals? Aren't we talking of just too many goals, i.e. just one excessive amount? ** Whoa. Remember that "le (number) broda" means that there are only (number) broda in existence. The above sentence means too many goals exist in the universe! *** No, no. That rule holds for ''lo'', but not for ''le'': ''le re nanmu'' means "the two men {that I have in mind}", just like in English. ** For a quantitative approach, see '''((ckinytadji))''' ** '''ganai du'eroi terzu'e gi mo'aroi selsnada''' ** ''.i a'usairo'e'' This is fascinating. I should post some more mistakes! The following are by ((Michael Helsem)): *''djuno najo cusku'' (Those who say, don't know; those who know, don't say.) *''lo se gismu cu simsa loi plini be lo tarci'' (The meaning of a ''gismu'' is like the planets of a star.) *''go co'a popyprije gi co'i li'i jimte jimpe'' (To know limits is the beginning of wisdom.) *''lepu'u jmaji ce'u kei fasnu na'oku'' (Accumulation happens.) *''le dimna cu misro snilerfu'' (Fate is a hieroglyph.) *''na plana fa lo ractu rectu'' (Rabbit meat isn't fat.) *''krefu le famramkai'' (The ''fin de siecle'' returns.) *''na canlu lo menli'' (Mind doesn't take up space.) *''fange jenai cizra'' (Foreign but not strange.) *''jimte claxu zazyprami'' (Love without limits.) ---- What is a good ((lujvo for aphorism)) or epigram?
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