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History: Lojbanic Software
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Source of version: 111
||::__Name__::|::__Platforms__::|::__Description__::|::__Category__::|::__Authors__::|::__Resources__:: ((Colossal Cave))|{IMG(attId="831")}{IMG}{IMG(attId="829")}{IMG}|((Nick Nicholas)) translated the text of Colossal Cave in 1991. ((Robin Lee Powell)) has heroically translated that translation into a working game.|::Games::|::((Nick Nicholas))::%%%::((Robin Lee Powell))::|::((Colossal Cave|Main Page)) - installation and Inform Localization files to make your own Lojbanic IF::%%%::[http://www.rickadams.org/adventure/|Original Site]:: [http://www.colourbind.com/|Colour Bind] |{IMG(attId="829")}{IMG} | Colour Bind is a physics platform-puzzler set in an abstract world where gravity is determined not by mass, but by colour. | ::Games:: | ::Lindar Greenwood:: | ::[http://store.steampowered.com/app/208710/|Steam]:: %%% ::[http://www.colourbind.com/| Main Website]:: [http://www.minecraft.net/|Minecraft] | {img attId="831"}{IMG(attId="830")}{IMG}{IMG(attId="829")}{IMG}|Minecraft is a creative exploration game where you pick and place blocks to build worlds. Lindar has contributed a community translation of Minecraft, which is easy to download and install. Unfortunately, we've been yet unsuccessful in getting the attention of the developers to enable Lojban input on [http://crowdin.net/project/minecraft|Minecraft's public translation website]. Give them a shout!%%% %%%[http://www.reddit.com/r/craftlang/|CraftLang] is a minecraft server oriented specifically at conlangs. Though the most popular language on it is Toki Pona, Lojban has a growing presence as well. Come and build!| ::Games:: | ::Lindar Greenwood:: | ::[http://www.minecraft.net|Official website]::%%%::[https://github.com/lindarthebard/kunkakpa|Community translation file]::%%%::[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IctZJ-4IR675iy2-jICUEK8cyRfpPX8f2eWHUnDPIsQ/edit|Installation Instructions]::%%%::[http://www.reddit.com/r/craftlang/|CraftLang Subreddit]:: [http://mbays.freeshell.org/lojban.vim|vim filetype plugin] | {IMG(attId="831")}{IMG}| Convenient word-list lookup, auto-lujvoification, and other useful things. | ::Editors:: | ::Martin Bays:: | [http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?LojbanMode|lojban-mode] | {IMG(attId="831")}{IMG} | Syntax highlighting and other support code for emacs. | ::Editors:: | ::Michele Bini:: | [http://gitorious.org/jbotci|jbofacki] | {IMG(attId="831")}{IMG} | A jbofihe/camxes CLI shell with Tab-completion of valsi and rafsi, colorized word lookups by literal name or string, etc. Intended for increased fun in exploring the construction of Lojban texts/sentences; also useful as a aid to memory (mi'e la kampu). Requires Python 2.5+, and currently also [http://github.com/dag/makfa-cli|makfa-cli] for generation + update of dictionary data. | ::Editors:: | ::David Gowers:: | ((Prolog Tools)) | {IMG(attId="832")}{IMG} | Implements some predicates related to Lojban word shapes. | | ::((Arnt Richard Johansen)):: | [https://bitbucket.org/pretoriusjf/vlastezba/overview|vlastezba] | {IMG(attId="832")}{IMG} | For automatically creating a glossary, given a text file containing Lojban. Great for making learning texts accessible to those of limited vocabulary. | ::Learning:: | [http://sourceforge.net/users/pretoriusjf | pretoriusjf] | ((cmavlasisku)) | {IMG(attId="829")}{IMG} | A .NET-based dictionary program that parses vlasisku pages for answers. It supports defining Lojban words, searching by English gloss, searching by rafsi, and listing the contents selma'o. | ::Word Lookup:: | ::((Djeikyb)):: | [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=iocikun.juj.lojban.dictionary|lojban dictionary]| {IMG(attId="803")}{IMG} | An android app for quick word lookup. | ::Word Lookup:: | ::[https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=yoshikuni+jujo|yoshikuni jujo]:: | [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.klye.ime.latin|Multiling Keyboard] | {IMG(attId="803")}{IMG} | Multiling keyboard is an extremely customizable multilingual keyboard for Android which features a lojban plugin for text prediction. | ::Interface:: | ::[https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Honso|Honso]:: | ::[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=klye.plugin.lj|Lojban Plugin]:: [http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=014107847567658722055%3A3enx_7t3upo|Google custom search] | {IMG(attId="832")}{IMG} | A Google Custom Search for lojban resources. | | | {IMG(attId="831")}{IMG} | A [http://mbays.freeshell.org/jbosnu.vim|vim interface] to the yahoo jbosnu archives. | | ::Martin Bays:: | | {IMG(attId="831")}{IMG} | {file name=viewtool-src.tar.gz showdesc=1}%%%{file name=viewtool-NOTES.txt showdesc=1}%%%{file name=viewtool.patch1 showdesc=1} | | ::Elrond:: | | {IMG(attId="832")}{IMG} | {file name=lojtalk.zip showdesc=1} | | ::msabren:: | || ||{img attId="831"}=runs on linux {IMG(attId="830")}{IMG}=runs on mac{IMG(attId="829")}{IMG}=runs on windows{IMG(attId="832")}{IMG}=runs in browser or universally|| ! Separate Software Sections * ((Software assisted learning)) * ((Dictionaries, Glossers and parsers)) * ((Lojbanic Software for Debian, Ubuntu)) * ((Defunct Lojbanic Software)) ! Discussion about software * ((Morphology analysis programs comparasion))
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