Lojbanic name: epkat
Wiki user name: Eppcott
Matt Arnold is an illustrator, graphic designer and sculptor primarily interested in Lojban for use in fiction and art. He learned about Lojban in 2000 and as of September 2005 has almost half the root words and grammar words memorized. He is translating TheProphet by Kahlil Gibran into Lojban.
Matt gives an annual Lojban presentation with slides at Penguicon, a combination science fiction and open source software convention which Matt helps to run in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, USA. This presentation started a group of Lojban enthusiasts which meets in his home. He would like to someday host a call-in internet broadcast about the language assisted by chat and whiteboard communication.
Matt designed an alternative Lojban logo, depicted above, and would be very happy to provide free illustrations and page layout for upcoming editions of The Complete Lojban Language or What Is Lojban?, The Book.
Matt maintains an extensive Lojban page on his web site featuring:
Matt creates the Lojban podcast, "jbocradi."
Since being elected to membership in The Logical Language Group and board of directors, Matt had an idea to offer Lojban enthusiasts citizenship in a fake internet nation, Xartum, which would double as a text-based online game.