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History: Multiple-winner Condorcet
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''su'oremei jinga me la kandorséis.'' This is an election method that could work for next year's LLG election, satisfying the properties that the members want the election to have: it elects only candidates that are approved by the majority, unless it has to choose more to fill the minimum number of slots; it allows voters to express that they prefer some candidates over others without voting against the others; it allows tie votes anywhere on the ballot. It is described first in Lojban, then in English. ------- i di'e tadji le nu so'imei prenu cu cuxna so'i jinga be lo nunturni i roda poi cuxna cu benji pa cuxna liste cei cuxste poi porsi fi le te cuxna zi'e poi skicu leidu'u da zmanei makau makau i le te cuxna cu se cmima ro le jivna e pa xanri jivna no'u la nonjinga zi'e poi sinxa lesi'o cuxna node i da'o curmi lenu da e de dunli xymoi lo porsi kei poi skicu ledu'u dunynei da de itu'e da'o go da poi cuxna cu djica lenu de poi jivna na jinga gi ei le cuxste po da skicu ledu'u da zmanei la nonjinga de i go da na jinvi tu'a de gi ei le cuxste po da skicu ledu'u da dunynei la nonjinga de tu'u i tu'e da'o da poi cuxste de poi jivna zo'u go de na'e cmima le porsi po da gi le cuxna cu dunynei la nonjinga de i go la nonjinga na'e cmima le porsi po da gi le cuxna cu zmanei rodi poi jivna la nonjinga ni'o da'o le la kandorséis tadji pe sepi'o le la tidymn remei porsi tadji poi djine rivbi cu pruce le cuxste lo jinga porsi di'e ni'o da poi jivna ja me la nonjinga cei brodo de poi brodo zo'u ca'e le ni da jinga fi de cu du li ni'e ni ce'u zmanei da de vu'u ni'e ni ce'u zmanei de da i da'o ko porsi le'i ni jinga kei ledu'u da lidne jo zmadu de i porsi pilno lu'a le'i ni jinga kei lenu zbasu le jinga porsi i mu'a go le ni ko'e jinga fi ko'i cu zmarai gi ko'e lidne ko'i le jinga porsi i da'o go da poi ni jinga cu se natfe le ca porsi gi ko toljundi da i mu'a tu'e ko'a jinga fi ko'i ice'obo ko'i jinga fi ko'a ice'obo ko'a jinga fi ko'e tu'u ijo toljundi ledu'u ko'a jinga fi ko'e kei ki'u lenu ko'e pu lidne ko'a i le te pruce cu jinga porsi fi le'i brodo i go le jinga porsi cu se nenri lo dunli tu'omoi poi vajni gi ei lo pu se cuxna prenu cu jdice le lidne i go su'oxa jivna cu lidne la nonjinga gi ro le su'examoi jivna cu jinga i go su'ere jivna cu lidne la nonjinga gi ro le su'ecimoi nalxanri jivna cu jinga i go lo jivna su'ocimei je su'omumei cu lidne la nonjinga gi ro ra jinga ------- Each voter casts a ballot giving their preferences among the candidates, plus a hypothetical candidate "Nobody". Voters are allowed to give equal ranks to candidates if they have no preference between them. If a voter considers a candidate unacceptable, he should rank him below Nobody; if a voter wishes to abstain with regard to a candidate, he should rank him equal with Nobody. An unspecified rank is assumed to be tied with Nobody. If Nobody's rank is unspecified, it is below all ranked candidates. The votes are counted by Condorcet's method, using Tideman's Ranked Pairs method to avoid cycles. This process goes as follows. Each pair of candidates is considered individually. For two candidates, A and B, the margin of victory of A over B is defined to be the number of voters who rank A above B minus the number of voters who rank B above A. The election result will be an ordering of all the candidates. The margins of victory are sorted from largest to smallest, and they are considered in that order to determine the ordering. For example, if B beats C with the largest margin of victory, then B will be ranked above C in the result. If a victory contradicts a part of the order that has already been established, it is ignored. For example, if B beats C, then C beats A by a smaller margin, then A beats B by a smaller margin, the result that A beats B is ignored because B is already ranked above A. The result is now an ordering of all the candidates, including "Nobody". If there is a tie in a crucial place, it should be determined by a tie-breaking vote cast by a designated person. If there are at least 6 candidates who rank above Nobody, then the top 6 are elected. If there are between 3 and 6 candidates who rank above Nobody, then all of them are elected. If there are fewer than 3 candidates who rank above Nobody, then the top 3 actual candidates are elected.
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