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History: Robin's Palm Writings: Math - The RPN Nesting Problem
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Source of version: 4
! MOVED TO: [http://teddyb.org/robin/tiki-index.php?page=Lojban%2C+Math%2C+mekso%2C+and+bridi+cmaci&no_bl=y] Robin's Palm Writings Category: misc Navigation: ((Robin's Palm Writings: misc|misc Index)) ((Robin's Palm Writings|Robin's Palm Writings Top-Level Index)) -is: mi klama gi'ai nu le do klama gi'ai nu le cabna == le nu mi klama kei le nu do klama kei cabna OR == le nu do klama le nu mi klama kei kei cabna -with regular RPN, this is solved by strict place structure requirements -no Lojban solution has yet presented itself -ex: (3 (1 1 2 +) 4 ((2 5 +) (2 7 3 *) +) *) -hell, just try: 1 7 (2 5 3 +) 4 * -the problem may *always* be insoluble with variable numbers of args... Yeah, pretty sure. Without parens or other tricks, anyways -we could mark how many arguments we're consuming. Parseable? Certainly parseable if we set a finite limit. Getting a bit pointless? -just use the ".i le ni'ai go'i" trick, but that gets complicated with multiple args -argument consumption markers -pretend zilsumji takes inf args, and last arg is always result -(1 2 (3 4 5 +) 6 7)+ 8 + 9 neg + -have words for 0 (gi'ai), 1 (gi'au), 2 (gi'oi) and addt'l (xei), and all (gi'ui) -li pa li re li ci li vo li mu zilsumji gi'oi xei ni'ai le li xa li ze zilsumji gi'ui ni'ai le li bi zilsumji gi'ai ni'ai le li so fatne? gi'au ni'ai le zilsumji gi'oi ni'ai le -seems to work -a bit clumsy, but no worse than 2 args required Old Notes -NU reverser? helps with RPN, also of general utility: mi klama lo nu gi'ai cabna do klama lo nu gi'ai -what it does is "everything preceding goes in the NU just declared" -this allows RPN: li'ai li pa li pa ziljmina li'ai gi'ai li pa ziljmina -li pa li pa selsumji le ni gi'ai li pa selsumji le ni gi'ai -need some clarity in "everything". probably "sentence". jcowan mentioned the gua!spi's version is like .i, which is prbably almost TRT -NU uses subsentence, which is sentence + optional prenex -it gets used in tanru-unit, which seems like it won't work here - terms (or whatever's at the front of sentence) = ... / subsentence LE? tanru-unit(??) NU gi'ai - BOGGLE: could just allow multiple selbri, if 2nd and up start with NU -no, bad lookahead on say "broda nu lo brode" -kpried's gi'ai: -li pa li pa te sumji gi'ai nu'ui le = le nu'ui li ... -li pa li pa te sumji gi'ai le = le sumji be ... (first unfilled place) -broda gau gi'ai lo brode = lo jai gau broda cu brode
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