History: bei'e

Preview of version: 3 (current)

Experimental cmavo.

Built as a MAI, with a number prepended to bei'e; placed as an evidential.

The number added to the front is the decibels of logarithmic Bayesian probability the speaker assigns to the word or phrase that the bei'e refers to. 0, nobei'e, represents 50% confidence, higher numbers greater confidence, lower numbers lesser confidence, as according to E.T. Jaynes' standard description.

ni'uci'ibei'e-∞0%1:∞complete disbelief, paradox
ni'ubei'e<0<50%<1:1less than even odds, less likely than so
nobei'e050%1:1neither belief nor disbelief, agnosticism
ma'ubei'e>0>50%>1:1greater than even odds, more likely than not
pabei'e155.7%5:4preponderance of the evidence
cibei'e366.6%2:1clear and convincing evidence
mubei'e576.0%3:1beyond a reasonable doubt
xarebei'e6299.99994%1,500,000:15 standard deviations
ci'ibei'e∞100%∞:1complete belief, tautology
xobei'e??%?:?question, asking listener their level of belief

Adding 10 decibels multiplies the odds by a factor of 10.

Some people prefer to measure probability in bits rather than decibels. The conversion between them is fairly easy, as there are 3.01 decibels in a bit, so simply dividing by three will suffice for everyday purposes. (bei'e uses decibels rather than bits for the increased resolution, but should anyone really want an experimental cmavo that uses bits instead, they are as free to create and use it as I was to create bei'e. Perhaps change the final e for an i, to represent the change from dEcibels to bIts.)


Information Version
Wed 25 of Jan, 2012 21:44 GMT DataPacRat from Notes on conversion from decibels to bits 3
Tue 24 of Jan, 2012 22:47 GMT purpleposeidon from (Fixed infinities) 2
Tue 24 of Jan, 2012 15:54 GMT DataPacRat from Created bei'e, the experimental cmavo of Bayesian confidence 1