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History: lai pokemon.
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This is a dynamic list of Lojban words for Pokémon and related terms. You are free to add new entries to this list, provided you do as good a translation as you know how. The current primary objectives are to complete the first 150 Pokémon and make sure we have a thorough base for talking about them outside of the games. When adding your own terms, check if your heading has any rules and look at a few nearby terms to make sure you're being consistent. !Rules for adding new entries *Keep the length of the names to a minimum. With Pokémon themselves, it is of the utmost priority to keep them at ten characters or less, excluding "." at the end of each one, but including "." at the start. If anyone ever ((selci'a sera'a lai pokemon.|translates an existing ROM into Lojban)), and opts to use these names, they will thank you dearly. *All names in this list should be treated as cmene, and thus should end with a consonant (preferably "s", as this is the standard) followed by "." *Use Lojban root words in translations whenever possible, or biological names of organisms. Otherwise, a phonetic translation of the name is perfectly acceptable. *Names that do not make logical sense in English, such as "Pikachu" (pikatcus.) cannot be expected to make sense in Lojban; use phonetic translations unless you have a good reason otherwise. !Pokémon __Conditions for Pokémon valsi__ * cmevla and brivla, 12-character limit ({'a} and other apostrophe-vowel combinations count as one character each.) * cmevla: ** These are being kept because they were made first, and Plastic Raven did a lot of good work on them. ** They need to be checked for bad consonant clusters. ** Try to use lojban roots, biological names, then lastly phonetic translation. * brivla: ** __BEGINNERS__: see [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lojban/s44H7z-4vzg/ONVVC72CcawJ|these instructions]. ** Good knowledge of fu'ivla morphology will likely be very helpful. ** If someone would make some of these, they could probably fill this with more relevant information. ** We would really like brivla. Every one of the brivla has the place structure: x1 is a [[English] at level x2 || __No.__| __English__| __Lojban__ | __Lojban brivla__ 000| MissingNo. | crina'us. 001| Bulbasaur | tsirespas. | baljyrespa 002| Ivysaur | xederespas. | <Needs fu'ivla {iedra}) 003| Venusaur | musirespas. | kavbyrespa (Weak. May be better with fu'ivla for Venus Flytrap) 004| Charmander | jelkaudat. 005| Charmeleon | jelkamelon. 006| Charizard | jeldrakos. 007| Squirtle | digycakys. 008| Wartortle | soncakys. 009| Blastoise | cesycakys. 010| Caterpie | curkiatas. 011| Metapod | curjemnas. 012| Butterfree | ziflepid. 013| Weedle | curvidnus. 014| Kakuna | vidjemnas. 015| Beedrill | vidapis. 016| Pidgey | cmakolom. 017| Pidgeotto | nulkolom. 018| Pidgeot | brakolom. 019| Rattata | cmaratus. 020| Raticate | braratus. 021| Spearow | tunpasr. 022| Fearow | tepasr. 023| Ekans | .ecnis. 024| Arbok | .edipales. 025| Pikachu | | .ipkatcu 026| Raichu | raitcus. 027| Sandshrew | sansmacus. 028| Sandslash | sanratcus. 029| Nidoran♀ | nidoxlis. | jesnyninmu 030| Nidorina | nidoxlirel. | jesnysedni'u 031| Nidoqueen | nidonim. | jesnoltruni'u 032| Nidoran♂ | nidonlas. | jesnynanmu 033| Nidorino | nidonlarel. | jesnysednau 034| Nidoking | nidonaus. | jesnoltrunau 035| Clefairy | lurcridas. 036| Clefable | luranmis. 037| Vulpix | lorxunres. 038| Ninetales | fengumixos. 039| Jigglypuff | cmasipnas. 040| Wigglytuff | brasipnas. 041| Zubat | fazycirop. 042| Golbat | blucirop. 043| Oddish | pezciblus. 044| Gloom | sumnerul. 045| Vileplume | vindurul. 046| Paras | ledcinkis. 047| Parasect| ledbirdus. 048| Venonat| vidipterid. 049| Venomoth| vidxeteros. 050| Diglett| cautup. 051| Dugtrio| cibcautup. 052| Meowth| nias. 053| Persian| prcinfos. 054| Psyduck| mojdatkas. 055| Golduck| jaudatkas. 056| Mankey| dabsmanis. 057| Primeape| sonsmanis. 058| Growlithe| fagerkus. 059| Arcanine| balgerkus. 060| Poliwag| cmasarlus. 061| Poliwhirl| nulsarlus. 062| Poliwrath| brasarlus. 063| Abra| .abras. 064| Kadabra| kadabras. 065| Alakazam| .alykazam. 066| Machop| verda'as. 067| Machoke| rebirda'as. 068| Machamp| vobirda'as. 069| Bellsprout| vernepens. 070| Weepinbell| vidnepens. 071| Victreebel| rainepens. 072| Tentacool| nulsnider. 073| Tentacruel| kusnider. 074| Geodude| fegbidjus. 075| Graveler| fegro'is. 076| Golem| golym. 077| Ponyta| fagekus. 078| Rapidash| fagkabalus. 079| Slowpoke 080| Slowbro 081| Magnemite| volmak. 082| Magneton| cibvolmak. 083| Farfetch'd 084| Doduo | | cipnrdore 085| Dodrio | | cipnrdoci 086| Seel 087| Dewgong 088| Grimer 089| Muk 090| Shellder 091| Cloyster 092| Gastly| pruxis. 093| Haunter| tepru'is. 094| Gengar| gengar. 095| Onix| sincroniks. 096| Drowzee 097| Hypno 098| Krabby 099| Kingler 100| Voltorb 101| Electrode 102| Exeggcute 103| Exeggutor 104| Cubone 105| Marowak 106| Hitmonlee 107| Hitmonchan 108| Lickitung 109| Koffing 110| Weezing 111| Rhyhorn 112| Rhydon 113| Chansey| selfu'as. 114| Tangela 115| Kangaskhan 116| Horsea 117| Seadra 118| Goldeen 119| Seaking 120| Staryu 121| Starmie 122| Mr. Mime 123| Scyther 124| Jynx 125| Electabuzz 126| Magmar 127| Pinsir 128| Tauros 129| Magikarp 130| Gyarados 131| Lapras 132| Ditto| go'is. 133| Eevee| .ivis. 134| Vaporeon| jauxi'an. 135| Jolteon| jenxi'an. 136| Flareon| fagyxi'an. 137| Porygon| kubycpis. 138| Omanyte 139| Omastar 140| Kabuto 141| Kabutops 142| Aerodactyl 143| Snorlax 144| Articuno 145| Zapdos 146| Moltres 147| Dratini 148| Dragonair 149| Dragonite 150| Mewtwo| miures. 151| Mew| mius. 152| Chikorita| tcikoritas. 153| Bayleef| pezlrbeis. 154| Meganium| resprjeren. 155| Cyndaquil| jelsmacus. 156| Quilava| rumjirnas. 157| Typhlosion| slirsmacus. 158| Totodile| cmauanis. 159| Croconaw| batuanis. 160| Feraligatr| cicuanis. 172| Pichu| pitcus. 175| Togepi| togypis. 176| Togetic| togytik. 185| Sudowoodo| nortricus. 201| Unown| saule'us. 208| Steelix| sincrgast. 222| Corsola| fulanthoz. 233| Porygon2| kubcpirel. 235| Smeargle| gutygo'is. 242| Blissey| raifuncas. 243| Raikou| raikus. 244| Entei| .enteis. 245| Suicune| suikun. 249| Lugia| lugi'as. 250| Ho-Oh| balfenxuan. 251| Celebi| selebis. 302| Sableye| jmecridas. 337| Lunatone| kalunras. 338| Solrock| solunras. 351| Castform| timgo'is. 352| Kecleon| fukamelon. 358| Chimecho| jakjanbes. 370| Luvdisc| taplrxart. 377| Regirock| rokcregis. 378| Regice| bislregis. 379| Registeel| gastregis. 382| Kyogre| kaiogr. 383| Groudon| grudon. 384| Rayquaza| reikuazas. 385| Jirachi| djiratcis. 386| Deoxys| dynyslabus. 387| Turtwig| pezcakys. 388| Grotle| spacakys. 389| Torterra| de'ucakys. 390| Chimchar| fagsmanis. 391| Monferno| jelsmanis. 392| Infernape| jelxominid. 393| Piplup| jausfenis. 394| Prinplup| jmesfenis. 395| Empoleon| gatsfenis. 438| Bonsly| norbonsais. 468| Togekiss| togykis. 474| Porygon-Z| kubcpicib. 489| Phione| fiones. 490| Manaphy| manafis. 493| Arceus| arsias. 561| Sigilyph| bralerfus. 647| Keldeo| keldeos. 648| Meloetta| meloetas. 649| Genesect| mafdatnis. || !Other terms !!Basic First, direct Pokémon terms: (parentheticals are optional, not advised) || __English__| __Lojban__ | __implied selbri definition__ Pokémon| pokrmone / daskyda'u | x1 is a Pokémon [[pocket monster] of species x2 and level x3 Pokémon species| daskyda'u jutsi | x1 is a Pokémon species of type(s) x2 with evolutions/family x3 Pokémon trainer| daskyda'u jitro | x1 is a Pokémon trainer controlling/directing Pokémon (party) x2 in x3 (battle) Pokédex| liste be lo'i daskyda'u ku | x1 is a Pokédex [[list of Pokémon data] in order x2 in medium x3 (x1 refers to the catalog, x2 refers to the Pokémon numbering system, and x3 refers to the device) Level | te daskyda'u || Second, common terms translated normally. || __English__| __Lojban__ To catch| kavbu To use (item)| pilno The item | se pilno To evolve| farvi To save| rejgau Run (away)| rivbi Battle/Fight (with)| damba Ability| se stati PC| skami .a sorcu be loi daskyda'u Technical Machine (TM)| gutsro Hidden Machine (HM)| vajgutsro Shiny Pokémon| datska daskyda'u || !!Items || __English__| __Lojban__ Potion| ka'orcidj. Ether| gutycidj. Bicycle| relselxil. Cheri Berry| jbarnprunus. Pomeg Berry| jbarngranatm. || !!Locations || __English__| __Lojban__ Kanto| kantos. Johto| jotos. Hoenn| hoen. Sinnoh| sinos. Unova| .iunovas. Orre| .ores. Sevii Islands| daplrsevis. || !!Types || __English__| __Lojban__ Type| klesi Normal| nulkle Water| jackle Fire| fagykle Grass| spakle Bug| curkle Ghost| ruxykle Electric| dickle Ground| derkle Flying| volkle Fighting| dabykle Psychic| menkle Ice| biskle Dark| mankle Steel| gatkle Rock| ro'ikle Poison| vidykle Dragon| reskle ???| cizykle Shadow| packle ||
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