This page is a collaboration attempt at consistently translating important terms and lines from the Pokemon games. The discussion page is here
(in progress)
This is a direct rip of terms from the Pokémon Red video game, to be translated into Lojban. Inspired by lai pokemon., I (mi'e Joe Anderson) have gotten a ROM editing environment set up to actually create the game, translated. As a proof of concept, I have already translated most of the options menu. This was nontrivial, as I constructed my own combination characters for apostrophe+vowel. Also, I have the capability to modify the strings and reassemble the ROM, so the lengths of dialogue strings are not limited.
I'm putting this here in case anyone would like to aid in the translation, and so that I may focus on translating dialogue. I'm not copying over the pokémon names from lai pokemon. into this page to avoid duplication of effort, but for Items and such I am restating them here in full. I expect lai pokemon. to remain useful as a guide for talking about pokémon, whereas this is merely a repository of terms for the game translation. Naming rules vary for each topic.
Hi, I like this project and I'd like to help out. The thought of one day being able to play this game fully in Lojban is very motivating. I can mark all my contributions if you like. --selpa'i
Conditions for item words
English | selbri | |
MASTER BALL | rolpokyboi (selmacyboi) | |
ULTRA BALL | cibypokyboi (balcaiboi?) | |
GREAT BALL | relpokyboi (balboi/balpokyboi) | |
POKé BALL | pavypokyboi (pokyboi) | |
TOWN MAP | tcacartu | |
BICYCLE | relselxi'u | |
SAFARI BALL | klopokyboi (li'urpokyboi) | |
POKéDEX | pokycabra (pokstetci) | |
MOON STONE | lunra rokci | |
ANTIDOTE | vidvelmikce | |
BURN HEAL | fagvelmikce | |
ICE HEAL | bisyvelmikce | |
AWAKENING | sipyvelmikce | |
PARLYZ HEAL | fravelmikce | |
FULL RESTORE | rolka'odja | |
MAX POTION | cluka'odja | |
HYPER POTION | cibyka'odja | |
SUPER POTION | relka'odja | |
POTION | pavyka'odja | |
BOULDERBADGE | roksni | |
CASCADEBADGE | jausni | |
THUNDERBADGE | lidysni | |
REPEL | ||
FIRE STONE | fagri rokci | |
THUNDERSTONE | lindi rokci | |
WATER STONE | djacu rokci | |
HP UP | ||
IRON | ||
SECRET KEY | se mipri ckiku | |
LEAF STONE | pezli rokci | |
PP UP | ||
POKé DOLL | pokyfukpi | |
FULL HEAL | rolvelmikce | |
REVIVE | ji'exru | |
MAX REVIVE | tceji'exru | |
COIN | sicni | |
FRESH WATER | vifne djacu | |
LEMONADE | sodva | |
S.S.TICKET | bloti pikta | |
X SPEED | ||
COIN CASE | si'irvau / sicni vasru | |
POKé FLUTE | pokme flani | |
EXP.ALL | ||
OLD ROD | ||
PP UP | ||
ETHER | gutydja | |
MAX ETHER | clugutydja | |
ELIXER | ka'egutydja | |
MAX ELIXER | kaxygutydja |
Conditions for attack words
English | selbri | |
POUND | tilju darxi | |
KARATE CHOP | da'irkarati | |
DOUBLESLAP | relpityda'i | |
COMET PUNCH | cmaplinyda'i | |
MEGA PUNCH | brabrada'i | |
PAY DAY | pleji detri | |
FIRE PUNCH | fagri xanda'i | |
ICE PUNCH | bisli xanda'i | |
THUNDERPUNCH | lindi xanda'i | |
SCRATCH | sraku | |
CUT | katna | |
GUST | ||
WING ATTACK | nalci gunta | |
FLY | vofli | |
BIND | ||
SLAM | marxa | |
STOMP | loldi jmada'i | |
DOUBLE KICK | reljmada'i | |
MEGA KICK | brabrajmada'i | |
JUMP KICK | plipe jmada'i | |
ROLLING KICK | gunro jmada'i | |
HEADBUTT | stedu darxi | |
HORN ATTACK | jirna gunta | |
FURY ATTACK | fengu gunta | |
TACKLE | xadni darxi | |
BODY SLAM | xadni marxa | |
WRAP | ||
TAIL WHIP | rebla bikyda'i | |
LEER | ||
BITE | ||
GROWL | cmoni | |
ROAR | laucmo | |
SING | sanga | |
ACID | ||
EMBER | ||
MIST | jaurbumru | |
SURF | jacta'o pilno | |
PECK | ||
STRENGTH | kamtsa | |
GROWTH | banro | |
DRAGON RAGE | drakono fengu | |
ROCK THROW | rokci renro | |
DIG | kakpa | |
TOXIC | vindu | |
RAGE | ||
MIMIC | ||
HAZE | ||
BIDE | ||
METRONOME | degji slilu | |
LICK | ||
SMOG | ||
CLAMP | ||
SWIFT | ||
GLARE | ||
SKY ATTACK | tsani gunta | |
TRANSFORM | cenba | |
SPORE | ||
FLASH | ||
SPLASH | jaurkasygau | |
EXPLOSION | spoja | |
REST | surla | |
SLASH | ||
SUBSTITUTE | basygau | |
Conditions for Dialogue
Pokemon | English | Lojban |
Rhydon | Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees | |
Kangaskhan | The infant rarely ventures out of its mother's protective pouch until it is 3 years old | |
NidoranM | Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom | |
Clefairy | Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas | |
Spearow | Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne | |
Voltorb | Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a # BALL, they have zapped many people | |
Nidoking | It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey's bones | |
Slowbro | The SHELLDER that is latched onto SLOWPOKE's tail is said to feed on the host's left over scraps | |
Ivysaur | When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs | |
Exeggutor | Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an EXEGGCUTE | |
Lickitung | Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's. It leaves a tingling sensation when it licks enemies | |
Exeggcute | Often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms | |
Grimer | Appears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories | |
Gengar | Under a full moon, this #MON likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright | |
NidoranF | Although small, its venomous barbs render this #MON dangerous. The female has smaller horns | |
Nidoqueen | Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves | |
Cubone | Because it never removes its skull helmet, no one has ever seen this #MON's real face | |
Rhyhorn | Its massive bones are 1000 times harder than human bones. It can easily knock a trailer flying | |
Lapras | A #MON that has been over- hunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water | |
Arcanine | A #MON that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings | |
Mew | So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide | |
Gyarados | Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage | |
Shellder | Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open | |
Tentacool | Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook them by accident are often punished by its stinging acid | |
Gastly | Almost invisible, this gaseous #MON cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice | |
Scyther | With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one | |
Staryu | An enigmatic #MON that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage it loses in battle | |
Blastoise | A brutal #MON with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles | |
Pinsir | If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing it around and toss it hard | |
Tangela | The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to sea- weed. Its vines shake as it walks | |
Growlithe | Very protective of its territory. It will bark and bite to repel intruders from its space | |
Onix | As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black | |
Fearow | With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest | |
Pidgey | A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand | |
Slowpoke | Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack | |
Kadabra | It emits special alpha waves from its body that induce headaches just by being close by | |
Graveler | Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing its direction | |
Chansey | A rare and elusive #MON that is said to bring happiness to those who manage to get it | |
Machoke | Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power save belt to be able to regulate its motions | |
MrMime | If interrupted while it is miming, it will slap around the offender with its broad hands | |
Hitmonlee | When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides | |
Hitmonchan | While apparently doing nothing, it fires punches in lightning fast volleys that are impossible to see | |
Arbok | It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area | |
Parasect | A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places | |
Psyduck | While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily #MON will use psychokinetic powers | |
Drowzee | Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams | |
Golem | Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage | |
Magmar | Its body always burns with an orange glow that enables it to hide perfectly among flames | |
Electabuzz | Normally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities | |
Magneton | Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up | |
Koffing | Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning | |
Mankey | Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant | |
Seel | The protruding horn on its head is very hard. It is used for bashing through thick ice | |
Diglett | Lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears above ground | |
Tauros | When it targets an enemy, it charges furiously while whipping its body with its long tails | |
Farfetchd | The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword | |
Venonat | Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night | |
Dragonite | An extremely rarely seen marine #MON. Its intelligence is said to match that of humans | |
Doduo | A bird that makes up for its poor flying with its fast foot speed. Leaves giant footprints | |
Poliwag | Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand | |
Jynx | It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it | |
Moltres | Known as the legendary bird of fire. Every flap of its wings creates a dazzling flash of flames | |
Articuno | A legendary bird #MON that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains | |
Zapdos | A legendary bird #MON that is said to appear from clouds while dropping enormous lightning bolts | |
Ditto | Capable of copying an enemy's genetic code to instantly transform itself into a duplicate of the enemy | |
Meowth | Adores circular objects. Wanders the streets on a nightly basis to look for dropped loose change | |
Krabby | Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways | |
Vulpix | At the time of birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older | |
Ninetales | Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse | |
Pikachu | When several of these #MON gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms | |
Raichu | Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power | |
Dratini | Long considered a mythical #MON until recently when a small colony was found living underwater | |
Dragonair | A mystical #MON that exudes a gentle aura. Has the ability to change climate conditions | |
Kabuto | A #MON that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago | |
Kabutops | Its sleek shape is perfect for swim- ming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids | |
Horsea | Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water | |
Seadra | Capable of swim- ming backwards by rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and stout tail | |
Sandshrew | Burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food | |
Sandslash | Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape | |
Omanyte | Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils | |
Omastar | A prehistoric #MON that died out when its heavy shell made it impossible to catch prey | |
Jigglypuff | When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep | |
Wigglytuff | The body is soft and rubbery. When angered, it will suck in air and inflate itself to an enormous size | |
Eevee | Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element STONEs | |
Flareon | When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar to over 1600 degrees | |
Jolteon | It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10000- volt lightning bolts | |
Vaporeon | Lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's | |
Machop | Loves to build its muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger | |
Zubat | Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets | |
Ekans | Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY and SPEAROW, whole | |
Paras | Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by draw- ing nutrients from the bug host | |
Poliwhirl | Capable of living in or out of water. When out of water, it sweats to keep its body slimy | |
Poliwrath | An adept swimmer at both the front crawl and breast stroke. Easily overtakes the best human swimmers | |
Weedle | Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head | |
Kakuna | Almost incapable of moving, this #MON can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators | |
Beedrill | Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail | |
Dodrio | Uses its three brains to execute complex plans. While two heads sleep, one head stays awake | |
Primeape | Always furious and tenacious to boot. It will not abandon chasing its quarry until it is caught | |
Dugtrio | A team of DIGLETT triplets. It triggers huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground | |
Venomoth | The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has | |
Dewgong | Stores thermal energy in its body. Swims at a steady 8 knots even in intensely cold waters | |
Caterpie | Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls | |
Metapod | This #MON is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body | |
Butterfree | In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air | |
Machamp | Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send the victim clear over the horizon | |
Golduck | Often seen swim- ming elegantly by lake shores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa | |
Hypno | When it locks eyes with an enemy, it will use a mix of PSI moves such as HYPNOSIS and CONFUSION | |
Golbat | Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly | |
Mewtwo | It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments | |
Snorlax | Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful | |
Magikarp | In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today | |
Muk | Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison | |
Kingler | The large pincer has 10000 hp of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use | |
Cloyster | When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen | |
Electrode | It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation | |
Clefable | A timid fairy #MON that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people | |
Weezing | Where two kinds of poison gases meet, 2 KOFFINGs can fuse into a WEEZING over many years | |
Persian | Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness | |
Marowak | The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets | |
Haunter | Because of its ability to slip through block walls, it is said to be from an- other dimension | |
Abra | Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and TELEPORT to safety | |
Alakazam | Its brain can out- perform a super- computer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000 | |
Pidgeotto | Very protective of its sprawling territorial area, this #MON will fiercely peck at any intruder | |
Pidgeot | When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP | |
Starmie | Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem | |
Bulbasaur | A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this #MON | |
Venusaur | The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight | |
Tentacruel | The tentacles are normally kept short. On hunts, they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey | |
Goldeen | Its tail fin billows like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Queen | |
Seaking | In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming power- fully up rivers and creeks | |
Ponyta | Its hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds. It can trample anything completely flat in little time | |
Rapidash | Very competitive, this #MON will chase anything that moves fast in the hopes of racing it | |
Rattata | Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places | |
Raticate | It uses its whis- kers to maintain its balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off | |
Nidorino | An aggressive #MON that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom | |
Nidorina | The female's horn develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting | |
Geodude | Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them | |
Porygon | A #MON that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace | |
Aerodactyl | A ferocious, pre- historic #MON that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs | |
Magnemite | Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses THUNDER WAVE and similar moves | |
Charmander | Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail | |
Squirtle | After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth | |
Charmeleon | When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels | |
Wartortle | Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance | |
Charizard | Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally | |
Oddish | During the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds | |
Gloom | The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool. It is a nectar that is used to attract prey | |
Vileplume | The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up | |
Bellsprout | A carnivorous #MON that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture | |
Weepinbell | It spits out POISONPOWDER to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of ACID | |
Victreebel | Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there |
(This is all of the intro text that's already implemented in the game, so if you make changes, only edit this section by itself to make the changelog email obvious.)
English | Lojban | |
Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is OAK! People call me the Pokémon PROF! | coi .i fi'i terdi lo pokma .i mi'e cindu .i na'e bo mi mi te cmene zo pokctu | |
This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokémon! | .i lo vi terdi ku se xabju lo pokma | |
For some people, Pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study Pokémon as a profession. | .i py. dalpe'o so'o prenu .i so'o drata py. pilno lo nu damba .i mi .y .i mi tadni be py. co crejibri | |
First, what is your name? | .i pamai ma do cmene | |
Right! So your name is <Player> | je'e .i zo <player> cmene do | |
This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby. ...Erm, what is his name again? | .i ti besybersa .i ti do jivna ba'o lo nu do cfipu .i .y .oiro'a ma ti cmene .i | |
That's right! I remember now! His name is <Rival>! | .ie mi ca remna .i <Rival> ti cmene | |
<Player>! Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits! Let's go! | .i ju'i <player> .i fe lo pokma ranmi be do .a'o bazi pu'o finti .i le terdi pe'a poi selsne je nu capli'u pe lo pokma denpa .i .e'o cfagau |
English | Lojban | |
It dodged the thrown ball! This pokemon can't be caught | lo pokme cu rivbi tu'a lo se renro bolci .i lo va pokme na ka'e se kavbu | |
You missed the pokemon! | do matrerfli lo pokme | |
Darn! The pokemon broke free! | .oi lo pokme cu tolpifybi'o | |
Aww! It appeared to be caught! | .oi pu simlu lo ka se kavbu | |
Shoot! It was so close too! | mabla .i ku'i mutce jibni lo se snada ? mabla .i pu tai jibni ? mabla .i ku'i pu jibni mutce | |
All right! [ko'a] was caught! | ui dai [[ko'a]] ba'o se kavbu | |
[ko'a] was transferred to Bill's PC | [[ko'a]] ba'o se benji fi lo skami pe la .bil. | |
[ko'a] was transferred to someone's PC | [[ko'a]] ba'e se benji fi lo skami pe zo'e | |
New DEX data will be added... | lo cnino ke pokste datni cu se jmina | |
You don't have any pokemon! | do claxu lo (sanji) pokme | |
---- | ||
It created a substitute | finti lo basti | |
[ko'a] has a substitute | [[ko'a]] se basti | |
too weak to make substitute | dukse lo ka ruble kei lo nu finti lo basti | |
---- | ||
Not even a nibble! | na co'e lo do'a nai cmalu spisa | |
Looks like there's nothing here. | simlu lo ka no da zvati | |
Oh! It's a bite!! | ue da batci | |
Ground rose up somewhere! | bu'u da lo loldi cu | |
This requires STRENGTH to move! | do nitcu lo ka tsali kei lo nu muvgau | |
All your item needs fulfilled! | lo do dakli cu culno | |
---- | ||
HM techniques can't be deleted! | ||
Welcome to our #MON CENTER! We heal your #MON back to perfect health! Shall we heal your #MON? | ||
OK. We'll needyour #MON. | ||
Thank you! Your #MON are fighting fit! | ||
We hope to see you again! | ||
---- | ||
This area is reserved for 2 friends who are linked by cable. | ||
Welcome to the Cable Club! Please apply here. Before opening the link, we have to save the game. Please wait. | ||
The link has been closed because of inactivity. | ||
Please contact your friend and come again! | ||
Please come again! | ||
We're making preparations. Please wait. | ||
---- | ||
<> usedSTRENGTH. | ||
<> can move boulders. | ||
The current is much too fast! | ||
Cycling is fun! Forget SURFing! | ||
A blinding FLASH lights the area! | ||
Warp to the last #MON CENTER. | ||
<> can't use TELEPORT now. | ||
<> can't FLY here. | ||
Not healthy enough. | ||
No! A new BADGE is required. | ||
You can't use items here. | ||
You can't get off here. | ||
---- | ||
<> got <>! | ||
There's no moreroom for #MON! | ||
wassent to #MONBOX | ||
on PC!There's no moreroom for #MON!The #MON BOXis full and can'taccept any more!Change the BOX ata #MON CENTER!text/mapPalletTown.txThose # BALLsat your waist!You have #MON!It's great thatyou can carry anduse #MON anytime, anywhere!This #MON GYMis always closed.I wonder who theLEADER is?VIRIDIAN GYM'sLEADER returned!You want to knowabout the 2 kindsof caterpillar#MON?Oh, OK then!CATERPIE has nopoison, butWEEDLE does.Watch out for itsPOISON STING!Oh Grandpa! Don'tbe so mean!He hasn't had hiscoffee yet.When I go shop inPEWTER CITY, Ihave to take thewinding trail inVIRIDIAN FOREST.You can't gothrough here!This is privateproperty!Yawn!I must have dozedoff in the sun.I had this dreamabout a DROWZEEeating my dream.What's this?Where did this TMcome from?This is spooky!Here, you canhave this TM. receivedTM42! | ||
TM42 containsDREAM EATER......Snore...You have too muchstuff already.Ahh, I've had mycoffee now and Ifeel great!Sure you can gothrough!Are you in ahurry?I see you're usinga #DEX.When you catch a#MON, #DEXis automaticallyupdated.What? Don't youknow how to catch#MON?I'll show youhow to then.Time is money...Go along then.First, you needto weaken thetarget #MON.VIRIDIAN CITY The EternallyGreen ParadiseTRAINER TIPSCatch #MONand expand yourcollection!The more you have,the easier it isto fight!TRAINER TIPSThe battle movesof #MON arelimited by theirPOWER POINTs, PP.To replenish PP,rest your tired#MON at a#MON CENTER!VIRIDIAN CITY#MON GYMThe GYM's doorsare locked...It's rumored thatCLEFAIRYs camefrom the moon!They appeared after MOON STONEfell on MT.MOON.There aren't manyserious #MONtrainers here!They're all likeBUG CATCHERs,but PEWTER GYM'sBROCK is totallyinto it!Did you check outthe MUSEUM?Weren't thosefossils from MT.MOON amazing?Really?You absolutelyhave to go!It's right here!You have to payto get in, butit's worth it!See you around!Psssst!Do you know whatI'm doing?That's right!It's hard work!I'm spraying REPELto keep #MONout of my garden!You're a trainerright? BROCK'slooking for newchallengers!Follow me!If you have theright stuff, gotake on BROCK!TRAINER TIPSAny #MON thattakes part inbattle, howevershort, earns EXP!NOTICE!Thieves have beenstealing #MONfossils at MT.MOON! Please callPEWTER POLICEwith any info!PEWTER MUSEUMOF SCIENCEPEWTER CITY#MON GYMLEADER: BROCKThe Rock Solid#MON Trainer!PEWTER CITYA Stone GrayCity: Yo!!You're stillstruggling alongback here?I'm doing great!I caught a bunchof strong andsmart #MON!Here, let me seewhat you caught,!Hey!Take it easy!You won already!Heh!You're no matchfor my genius!: Hey,guess what?I went to BILL'sand got him toshow me his rare#MON!That added a lotof pages to my#DEX!After all, BILL'sworld famous as a#MANIAC!He invented the#MON StorageSystem on PC!Since you're usinghis system, gothank him!Well, I betterget rolling!Smell ya later!Hey! Stay out!It's not youryard! Huh? Me?I'm an innocentbystander! Don'tyou believe me? recoveredTM28! | ||
I better getmoving! Bye! | ||
Make room forthis!I can't run untilI give it to you!Stop!I give up! I'llleave quietly!OK! I'll returnthe TM I stole!You're a trainertoo? Collecting,fighting, it's atough life.That bush infront of the shopis in the way.There might be away around.You're making anencyclopedia on#MON? Thatsounds amusing.The people herewere robbed.It's obvious thatTEAM ROCKET isbehind this mostheinous crime!Even our POLICEforce has troublewith the ROCKETs!OK! SLOWBRO!Use SONICBOOM!Come on, SLOWBROpay attention!SLOWBRO punch!No! You blew itagain!SLOWBRO, WITHDRAW!No! That's wrong!It's so hard tocontrol #MON!Your #MON'sobedience dependson your abilitiesas a trainer!SLOWBRO took asnooze...SLOWBRO isloafing around...SLOWBRO turnedaway...SLOWBROignored orders...I want a brightred BICYCLE!I'll keep it athome, so it won'tget dirty!This is CERULEANCAVE! Horriblystrong #MONlive in there!The #MON LEAGUEchampion is theonly person whois allowed in!CERULEAN CITYA Mysterious,Blue AuraSurrounds ItTRAINER TIPSPressing B Buttonduring evolutioncancels the wholeprocess.Grass and caveshandled easily!BIKE SHOPCERULEAN CITY#MON GYMLEADER: MISTYThe TomboyishMermaid!Do you believe inGHOSTs?Really? So thereare believers...Hahaha, I guessnot.That white handon your shoulder,it's not real.This town is knownas the grave siteof #MON.Memorial servicesare held in#MON TOWER.GHOSTs appearedin #MON TOWER.I think they'rethe spirits of#MON that theROCKETs killed.LAVENDER TOWNThe Noble PurpleTownNew SILPH SCOPE!Make the InvisiblePlain to See!SILPH CO.LAVENDER VOLUNTEER#MON HOUSEMay the Souls of#MON Rest Easy#MON TOWERWe're carefulabout pollution!We've heard GRIMERmultiplies intoxic sludge!Did you see S.S.ANNE moored inthe harbor?So, S.S.ANNE hasdeparted!She'll be back inabout a year.Welcome to S.S.ANNE!Welcome to S.S.ANNE!Excuse me, do youhave a ticket? flashedthe S.S.TICKET!Great! Welcome toS.S.ANNE! doesn'thave the neededS.S.TICKET.Sorry!You need a ticketto get aboard.The ship set sail.I'm putting up abuilding on thisplot of land.My #MON istamping the land.MACHOP: Guoh!Gogogoh! | ||
A MACHOP isstomping the landflat.S.S.ANNE is afamous luxurycruise ship.We visit VERMILIONonce a year.VERMILION CITYThe Port ofExquisite SunsetsNOTICE!ROUTE 12 may beblocked off by asleeping #MON.Detour throughROCK TUNNEL toLAVENDER TOWN.VERMILION POLICE#MON FAN CLUBAll #MON fanswelcome!VERMILION CITY#MON GYMLEADER: LT.SURGEThe Lightning American!VERMILION HARBORI got my KOFFINGin CINNABAR!It's nice, but itbreathes poisonwhen it's angry!Heheh! This GYMis great! It'sfull of women!The GAME CORNERis bad for ourcity's image!Moan! I blew itall at the slots!I knew I shouldhave cashed in mycoins for prizes!Hello, there!I've seen you,but I never had achance to talk!Here's a gift fordropping by! received |
TM41 teachesSOFTBOILED!Only one #MONcan use it!That #MON isCHANSEY!Oh, your pack isfull of items!This is my trustedpal, POLIWRATH!It evolved fromPOLIWHIRL when Iused WATER STONE!POLIWRATH: Ribiribit!
What are youstaring at?Keep out of TEAMROCKET's way!TRAINER TIPSX ACCURACY booststhe accuracy oftechniques!DIRE HIT jacks upthe likelihood ofcritical hits!Get your items atCELADON DEPT.STORE!CELADON CITYThe City ofRainbow DreamsCELADON CITY#MON GYMLEADER: ERIKAThe Nature LovingPrincess!CELADON MANSIONFind what youneed at CELADONDEPT. STORE!TRAINER TIPSGUARD SPEC.protects #MONagainst SPECIALattacks such asfire and water!Get your items atCELADON DEPT.STORE!Coins exchangedfor prizes!PRIZE EXCHANGEROCKET GAME CORNERThe playgroundfor grown-ups!Did you try theSAFARI GAME? Some#MON can onlybe caught there.SAFARI ZONE has azoo in front ofthe entrance.Out back is theSAFARI GAME forcatching #MON.ERIK: Where'sSARA? I said I'dmeet her here.That item ball inthere is really a#MON.!FUCHSIA CITYBehold! It'sPassion Pink!SAFARI GAME#MON-U-CATCH!SAFARI ZONEWARDEN's HOME#MON PARADISESAFARI ZONEFUCHSIA CITY#MON GYMLEADER: KOGAThe PoisonousNinja MasterName: CHANSEYCatching one isall up to chance.Name: VOLTORBThe very image ofa # BALL.Name: KANGASKHANA maternal #MONthat raises itsyoung in a pouchon its belly.Name: SLOWPOKEFriendly and veryslow moving.Name: LAPRASA.K.A. the kingof the seas.Name: OMANYTEA #MON thatwas resurrectedfrom a fossil.Name: KABUTOA #MON thatwas resurrectedfrom a fossil....The door islocked...CINNABAR GYM'sBLAINE is an oddman who has livedhere for decades.Scientists conductexperiments inthe burned outbuilding.CINNABAR ISLANDThe Fiery Town ofBurning Desire#MON LABCINNABAR ISLAND#MON GYMLEADER: BLAINEThe Hot-HeadedQuiz Master!What do you want?Get lost!BOSS said he'lltake this town!Get out of theway!SAFFRON belongsto TEAM ROCKET!Being evil makesme feel so alive!Ow! Watch whereyou're walking!With SILPH undercontrol, we canexploit #MONaround the world!You beat TEAMROCKET all alone?That's amazing!Yeah! TEAM ROCKETis gone!It's safe to goout again!People should beflocking back toSAFFRON now.I flew here on myPIDGEOT when Iread about SILPH.It's already over?I missed themedia action.PIDGEOT: Bi bibii!
I saw ROCKETBOSS escaping SILPH's building.
I'm a security guard. Suspicious kids I don't allow in!
...Snore...Hah! He's taking a snooze!
SAFFRON CITY Shining, Golden Land of Commerce
TRAINER TIPS FULL HEAL cures all ailments like sleep and burns. It costs a bit more, but it's more convenient.
TRAINER TIPS New GREAT BALL offers improved capture rates. Try it on those hard-to-catch #MON.
SILPH's latest product! Release to be determined...
It dodged the thrown BALL!
This #MON can't be caught!
You missed the #MON!
Darn! The #MON broke free!
Aww! It appeared to be caught!
Shoot! It was so close too!
All right! <> was caught!
<> was transferred to BILL's PC!
<> was transferred to someone's PC!
New #DEX data will be added for <>!
There's no placeto get off!
<>'s <> rose.
It won't have any effect.
<> threw some BAIT.
<> threw a ROCK.
Played the #FLUTE.
Now, that's a catchy tune!
All sleeping #MON woke up.
<> played the# FLUTE.
Yes! ITEMFINDER indicates there's an item nearby.
Nope! ITEMFINDER isn't responding.
Raise PP of which technique?
Restore PP of which technique?
<>'s PP is maxed out.
<>'s PP increased.
PP was restored.
Booted up a TM!
Booted up an HM!
It contained <>!
Teach <> to a #MON?
<> is not compatible with <>.
It can't learn <>.
OAK: <> ! This isn't the time to use that!
This isn't yours to use!
It won't have any effect.
The trainer blocked the BALL!
Don't be a thief!
No cycling allowed here.
No SURFing on <> here!
The #MON BOX is full!
Can't use that item!
I'm looking for <>!
Wanna trade one for <>?
Awww! Oh well...
What? That's not <>!
If you get one, come back here!
Hey thanks!
Isn't my old <> great?
Hello there! Do you want to trade your <> for <>?
Well, if you don't want to...
Hmmm? This isn't <>.
Think of me when you get one.
Thanks! The <> you traded to me went and evolved!
Hi! Do you have <>?
Want to trade it for <>?
That's too bad....
This is no <>.
If you get one, trade it with me!
Thanks pal!
How is my old <> ?
My <> is doing great!
There isn't anything to CUT!
hacked away with CUT!