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History: xei
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;xei [[ ((PA)) ] hex digit E: because ''rei'' sucks *Why does ''rei'' suck? -((tsali)) **It's ''re'' with the vowel sound changed to a very similar one. Most of the time in Lojban, ?e and ?ei are distinguishable from context. ***Hell, how should the two sounds be similar (unless pronounced the English/American way which is not at all standard!)! {re} has to be pronounced like Italian "re" (king), and (rei) like about English "ray"! No way to be mixed up. '''Please leave your Anglo-Saxon island!''' **** I differentiate by lengthening the i longer than for most dipthongs - re-i - but it's still one syllable. BTW, I speak English and I've never been to Australia in my life. ***** .i mi ca xusra noda .u'i -- mi'e nitcion ****** .i uiru'e u'iru'e .i ku'i na di'u .i do xusra lenu do xusra noda .ija'e do xusra .i mi'e ((kreig.daniyl.)) ******* .i mi se krasi la kretes. noi ji'a krasi la .epimenides .i ko zgana la'ozy. [http://www.curiouser.co.uk/us/liar.htm] zy. ******** .i xu do se krasi la kretes. .ianai .i la kretes. cu daplu .i xu do troci lenu xusra lu mi krasi la kretes. li'u .a lu la kretes. se krasi mi li'u ********* Never mind, I was getting the x1 and x2 of krasi mixed up. ****** Much of the discussion of this comment can be found ((mi ca xusra noda|here)) **** As an American, in order to make __[[C]e__ and __[[C]ei__ sound different enough I need to consciously pronounce __ei__ like a redneck. --((rab.spir)) I'm not sure whether I ever got around to proposing this in the thread where I griped about ''rei'' vs. ''re'', but I intended to. ''xei'' should be used to refer to the digit for 14, and not ''rei'', so that there's a hope of distinguishing it from ''re''. I use Lojban digits to think about the names of hexadecimal numbers, because otherwise I end up needing to remember one and thinking "Was that two-eight-zero or two-A-zero?", or maybe "Was that two-eighty or two-eight-E?". So it doesn't help if two Lojban digits are just as confusing. This breaks the idea that the digits A-F are in alphabetical order, but how exactly would that help anyway, considering that ((if alphabetical order of numbers matched numerical order...|the rest of the digits aren't?)) --((rab.spir)) ---- * Normally I'm opposed to the use of xV(')V forms for experimental cmavo (because they should be kept free for those that stand the test of time), but the argument for this one seems irresistible. ((And)) ---- .iecai zo xei zo rei cu zmadu le ka se pilno .i ju'ocu'i zo xei pamoi sepi'o la xyx. poi pamoi .iku'i zo dau bi'i zo vai cu traji vamji ((tinkit))
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