me zo tersigja preti Posted by Anonymous on Thu 28 of Feb, 2008 20:51 GMT Use this thread to discuss the me zo tersigja preti page.
Posted by Anonymous on Thu 28 of Feb, 2008 20:51 GMT ma klesi lo'i valsi lo ka ce'u sumti be zo sigja bei li ci .i lo cupra ji lo terpra cu go'i .i la jbovlaste cu na'e satci --gejyspa To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the subject unsubscribe, or go to, or if you're really stuck, send mail to for help.
Posted by mungojelly on Mon 16 of Jun, 2008 06:01 GMT posts: 20 Quoting Michael Turniansky <>: > ma klesi lo'i valsi lo ka ce'u sumti be zo sigja bei li ci > .i lo cupra ji lo terpra cu go'i > .i la jbovlaste cu na'e satci I've been thinking about it since you asked, and my feeling is that the process would be most useful for the third place. For instance a rollie has a tersigja of "you take a paper, wrap the selsigja in it, roll it tight, lick it and stick it", while a honey blunt has the tersigja of "you remove most of the tobacco from a cigar, put the selsigja in instead, roll it into a conical shape and seal it with honey and toast it dry with a lighter". It would be easy enough under that interpretation to say "tu'a la marlboros." — some process related to the thing named Marlboro, presumably "you take a big smelly factory, a pile of chemicals, and lots of really cheap tobacco, etc". ni'o Could we form some sort of za'e gimkamni to make rulings on these sorts of things? Gejyspa, you seem to have taken an interest in rare gismu places lately. I'm also interested myself. Why can't we come up with a formal process to make sense of these things? Anything even vaguely clear would be a vast improvement over the word "by" po'o, imho.. mu'o mi'e la bret. To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the subject unsubscribe, or go to, or if you're really stuck, send mail to for help.
Posted by Anonymous on Mon 16 of Jun, 2008 06:01 GMT On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 5:59 PM, <> wrote: > > Quoting Michael Turniansky <>: > > > ma klesi lo'i valsi lo ka ce'u sumti be zo sigja bei li ci > > .i lo cupra ji lo terpra cu go'i > > .i la jbovlaste cu na'e satci > > > I've been thinking about it since you asked, and my feeling is that > the process would be most useful for the third place. Yes, I came to the conclusioin, although from a different line of reasoning. > > Could we form some sort of za'e gimkamni to make rulings on these > sorts of things? Gejyspa, you seem to have taken an interest in rare > gismu places lately. I'm also interested myself. It's true. I've been trying to memorize all the non-x1 places of the gismu. Although obviously, the death of my brother pu t abit of a crimp on it, I'm currently on the second pass through the llist. > Why can't we come > up with a formal process to make sense of these things? Anything even > vaguely clear would be a vast improvement over the word "by" po'o, > imho.. > .ie --gejyspa To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to with the subject unsubscribe, or go to, or if you're really stuck, send mail to for help.